New Member
So I'm new to the software systems and programming side but not new to the mechanics of the drone world. I build and have built many DIY Drones including:
-Tarot 1100 Octo, 1760 rotors, 300kv Gartt motors, 40amp esc's, 2x 6s batteries, ardupilot 2.8 apm, hobbyking 6s PDB.
- I have a custom build and designed Xwing style 1000mm Carbon fiber Coaxial Quad, 750kv motors, 30amp esc's, 1555 in props, hobbyking PDB, APM2.8
-a H.A.L. 550mm quad, 920kv motors, 30amp esc's, 1155 props, KK2.0 FC.
-Tarot 690S hexacopter, 1355 props, 750kv motors, 30 amp Esc's and electronic landing gear
- F500 quad, 920kv, 9 inch triblade DJI props, 30amp esc's.
I never really dealt with other systems other than the old school Tarot FC
I'm currently looking for advice as all my builds are dealing with the same major issue. Tip over on take off. No stable hover for more than a second or two.
I have tested all the usual suspects and all seem to be working and set properly:
- PID settings
- Rotor Direction
- Motor rotation direction
- weight distribution
- tuning
- firmware
- ESC Calibrations and programming
- compass calibration
I have two Ardupilot APM's, a 2.6 and a 2.8. Both with most recent firmware and most stable version. Both are doing the same thing.
I fear I may be missing something really simple and stupid, but I'm a beginner in the world of programming and have only been using Arduino based systems for around a year, have multiple UnoR3, Micros, mega, and a bunch of RPI systems
Please help as I would love my birds to fly!
-Tarot 1100 Octo, 1760 rotors, 300kv Gartt motors, 40amp esc's, 2x 6s batteries, ardupilot 2.8 apm, hobbyking 6s PDB.
- I have a custom build and designed Xwing style 1000mm Carbon fiber Coaxial Quad, 750kv motors, 30amp esc's, 1555 in props, hobbyking PDB, APM2.8
-a H.A.L. 550mm quad, 920kv motors, 30amp esc's, 1155 props, KK2.0 FC.
-Tarot 690S hexacopter, 1355 props, 750kv motors, 30 amp Esc's and electronic landing gear
- F500 quad, 920kv, 9 inch triblade DJI props, 30amp esc's.
I never really dealt with other systems other than the old school Tarot FC
I'm currently looking for advice as all my builds are dealing with the same major issue. Tip over on take off. No stable hover for more than a second or two.
I have tested all the usual suspects and all seem to be working and set properly:
- PID settings
- Rotor Direction
- Motor rotation direction
- weight distribution
- tuning
- firmware
- ESC Calibrations and programming
- compass calibration
I have two Ardupilot APM's, a 2.6 and a 2.8. Both with most recent firmware and most stable version. Both are doing the same thing.
I fear I may be missing something really simple and stupid, but I'm a beginner in the world of programming and have only been using Arduino based systems for around a year, have multiple UnoR3, Micros, mega, and a bunch of RPI systems
Please help as I would love my birds to fly!