Suggestion - read as much as you can and learn how to search the
Kratos - you have come to a good site to gain information. Money is the problem for a lot of us but here you can gain the information to construct the quadcopter yourself and save some money in exchange for the time. My suggestion is to read as many posts as you can and learn how to search the forum. I might also suggest that you start here:!!!
it would be good to read the top items - "Understanding Lithium Polymer batteries", "Group Build, DJI NAZA/F450 Quadcopter!", "Multi-Rotor Heli abbreviations, acronyms, secret codes, etc.!". If you want to get familiar with camera systems maybe: "Generally speaking, 2D vs. 3D camera mounts".
I started out with the group build topic mentioned above and built a hexacopter from a kit.
Best of luck to you!