Hello all. I'm very excited to become part of this community. I was in a recent swimming accident that left me in a wheelchair. I have no use of my arms or legs at this point, so I'm looking for something to keep me busy. I live way up in the northeast corner of Washington state, so there's 4-5 months of the year that doesn't offer much for someone in my situation. Prior to my accident I was very much into the outdoors. Hunting, fishing and my all-time passion...shed hunting. Due to the terrain in my area, my shed hunting options are limited. I do alright wheeling on trails and roads, but it would be nice to have a drone to fly up above me and look at a ridge or bench that I can't get too. I think that a drone or multirotor is something that can really help me continue my favorite hobby. I've been on bedrest for a couple weeks now and all I've done is read and read. I've learned a lot, but I'm still trying to put my finger on the perfect product. I would imagine that while looking for something as small as an antler, I would want the best picture quality and video quality that I can get. I know flight time per battery is very important to me, but I also want something that is easy to learn how to control. Obviously, I will not be controlling it myself and I go places with several different people. Most of my friends are somewhat tech savvy, but learning to fly a drone is a little out of our realm. I would like to stay under $700, although I understand you get what you pay for. Are there any experienced flyers out there that can recommend the product for me? Any input, comments or questions are encouraged. Thanks for your time.