Hello from the UK


New Member
Hi all,
I am a techno fan for many years who got more and more interested in quad-copter UAV universe recently.

As I am a total beginner in this field, I just purchased a (almost) ready to fly Idea-Fly 4 from Hobbyking with a transmitter to get my hands dirty but I have much higher ambitions.

My goal #1: Build from scratch a quadricopter fully FPV enabled with integrated GPS for semi autonomous flight
My goal #1.5: increase range (UHF & large batteries)
My goal #2: add an 1080p camera in a stabilized house for semi pro footage

At this time, I am reading a lot to learn from others as I want to have a clear vision of all the parts I am going to need to make sure everything is compatible all the way and also avoid any UK regulation issues (frequencies...)

Ah, almost forgot... I want everything to remain affordable (I currently allow myself to spend around £700 for everything - excluding the camera).
All the best :livid:

One last thing... If you are living in the UK (Kent BR7 in particular) and want to meet to share experience and learn together, do not hesitate to contact me!!!
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Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Hi mate. As you'll find we tend to recommend the system we own so here goes. I recommend the DJI F550 as your first build. It is a hexa so more stable than a quad and will be capable of lifting the equipment you want to carry. It is within your budget I believe. The biggest cost is likely to be the camera and transmitter (Tx). A GoPro is a nifty little camera with a good spec and many systems are built around it so it will be future proof (till they release a new one of course :nevreness:). Get a good transmitter! Very important and often overlooked. I guess the most basic you'll need is something like a six channel one. I use Spektrum. But if you plan on going the UHF route then the Futaba systems offer better compatibility apparently. A gimbal for your camera can come later to be honest. With smooth flying you can get quite good footage with your camera just hard mounted to get you started.

I liked the DJI F550 because it is a pleasure to put together and everything you need is included. I use Graupner propellers as they are well balanced from new. Your FPV system is very important. I use a 5.8GHz ImmersionRC video transmitter (VTx) which is compatible with many systems. Your receiver (Rx) for the video link is more important than the VTx. Especially the antenna. A little patch antenna will increase your range considerably.

LIPOs. Or batteries in laymans terms. Go for a higher voltage where possible. Much more efficient, longer flight times and motors/ESC tend to run cooler. I use 4S 5000mah on the F550 which gives around 10 minutes of good flying time. Good lipo brand is also important.

And someone will say it. 'Buy cheap, buy twice!' Never a truer word spoken.

Hope this helps a little.

