Hello from Simon Woodward.


Hi All

just wanted to introduce myself, I've been involved in model and full size aviation for many years and very excited about the future of UAVS. I'm signed up for the Birmingham BNUC-S theory ground school in July, any good tips would be appreciated particularly with regard to good preparation?


Hi Simon. If your involvement in full size aviation was flight related you will already be very well prepared for the course and exam. The main difference between manned and unmanned (apart from size and payload :) ) is that you can operate much closer to the public in areas not segregated like full sized. The course is very public safety oriented rather than flight techniques, focussing mainly on the regulations around operating in UK airspace (minimum separation requirements from public etc) and a basic introduction to flight related topics such as weather, navigation charts,Human Performance limitations, all stuff you're probably already familiar with.

The more 'difficult' part is the Ops manual, which is to describe how you will operate. It is a tedious, difficult, frustrating, time absorbing medium to work on yet is a brilliant way to get an operator to really consider all the safety aspects of the business they are about to embark on and the responsibilities that go with the privilege of obtaining PFAW in UK airspace. It is also your chance to show the CAA regulators that you have the knowledge of the regulations and the method to work according to them. I took the course back in Oct 2013 and am here 8 months later (current work permitting) almost completed, but not quite there yet. Others have taken the course and completed in much less time so it's really down to how much time you can devote to it.
Enjoy the course.
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Hi Jim
Thanks for prompt reply..The ops manual does sound like a nightmare but clearly a critical part of the whole process..8 months! What are your thoughts re earning potential in this game, it seems to me the opportunities are significant?


Yes, significant revenue potential.
It is going to be a massive industry in ways we cannot even imagine. I see this as a similar situation to when I was at meetings with a very large computer service provider back in the late 80's discussing a system where companies would process invoices and payments electronically and transparently irrespective of their individual systems. That is now the internet! (Well, part of it) Google is buying Uav development companies, Amazon has engaged lobbyists in the US, the US government is committed to industry development. nasa is looking at Uav's for offworld exploration, Power, comms, internet access solutions are under development - all very positive signs for untold potential growth.

In the UK we are very fortunate that the CAA are committed to enabling the industry.

Don't be dismayed by my timescales.. You will find many different opinions on here as to the brevity or verboseness required in the Ops manual. My view is that it needs to be a guide for anyone operating under my company so it should have plenty of detail where I deem it important (it is after all •my• manual) :)
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