Hello from Norway


Hi guys

I am new to multirotors and this looks like a great place to get answers to some of my stupid questions.
Little background info: been flying rc helis since 2004. Flying style is 3d and I currently fly Rave ENV and Trex700 (nitro). Got some small electric too (trex250 and 500)

I actually tried aerial photo/video in 2005. Heres a clip from a Raptor50 w/helicam solution mount

Anyway, this time I want to use multirotors. I am planning to use a canon d550, maybe also my legria g10 for video.
Been looking at mikrokopter, droidworx and dji but so far it seems like it is a jungle out there hehe.
Any cheaper alternatives?
Any info and recommendations will be appeiciated!



Quadcopters.co.uk Drone Specialists
You could always opt for something with a Naza Fc they are probably about the best priced easy to use controller at the moment .
Also are you planning on a self build as this will save you some money .


Changed my mind regarding the Canon 550D.
But I still need some help and advice to finding the right equipment.

My goal is eventually to go semi-proffesional on my sparetime providing pictures for customers.
But as a starting point i am thinking about starting with a Dji F550 with Wookong and a good gimbal.
I am planning to use a Sony nex-5n for photo and maybe even video. Is this a good starting point?

I also have an offer to buy a droidworx skyjib8. A much more expencier solution.
What do I gain if i buy a Mikrokopter or droidworx compared to a DJI solution?
Is it really worth the price difference?

