Hello from Norway


Says hello from Norway
Hi all. New guy from Norway joining. Been in to this for about a year, starting out with som "toys" from WLToys. First heli then small quads. Now I am flying DJI F330 and HJ450 quads. Use KK2.0 boards on both. I like modifying stuff and my 450 has a bit of that. Am planning a custom quad build now with carbon arms. Waiting for parts on the slow boat....;-)

Sent from my LT26w using Tapatalk

Hi and welcome amongst us!

Notwitstanding the affordability and performance of the KK flight controller, I think you will be amazed the day you switched to other flight controllers such as NAZA, AMP and Super X. The NAZA light/GPS package can now be purchased for relatively cheap, compare to few months ago and really changes all aspects of flights. I think you will find all the answers you might be looking for in this great forum.

Had the opportunity to spend a couple months in the Malsev/Bardufoss area of Norway as member of the Canadian armed forces with the NATO troops many year ago. Absolutely wonderful surrondings and great people!

Happy flying!


Still Building!
Welcome!!! I am just starting out in this hobby and will be using the KK2.1 for my first board. An inexpensive setup so that I can learn the basics and construction of my quad. After that I hope to get into building an AP platform but that is well into the future!

You joined a great site!!!


Says hello from Norway


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New Member
Hi Helinor

I am from Switzerland and will travel to Norway in 2 months. Could you explain me in 2 or 3 sentences the legal situation of multicopter flying with a Gopro in Norway (only private use / no commercial use)? Is it allowed? I do not want to get troubble with the customs or the police. Thank you very much.

Greetings from Switzerland!


Says hello from Norway
Hi Helinor

I am from Switzerland and will travel to Norway in 2 months. Could you explain me in 2 or 3 sentences the legal situation of multicopter flying with a Gopro in Norway (only private use / no commercial use)? Is it allowed? I do not want to get troubble with the customs or the police. Thank you very much.

Greetings from Switzerland!
Hi Swissy. You are much welcome to Norway:nevreness:. The legal situation here is that everybody that wants to film, or take pics, from the air (doesn't matter if it is a real plane, a multirotor or a balloon...) need a permit to do so from our National Security Management. This includes a safety clearance and it takes from 2-6 months to get it, and that is just for private use... The only exception is when you come in over the country with the airline plane, taking pics through the windows... I know that there is a lot of people that don't bother with this and just do as they pleases (guess you will find them in all countries...) cause this is not a area that the police will use up their time on but I cant tell you to do so. I would also think that if you come through customs with a multirotor and a GoPro they will ask you some questions... maybe... Sorry but this is the situation here. Where in Norway will you be travelling? Cheers from Norway:nevreness:


New Member
Thank you for your quick response!!

I am really sad that it's not allowed. I hoped that they have nearly the same legal situation like the German speaking countries. I will travel to Norway in 6 weeks and so there seems to be no possibility to get a permit.
I will only travel to Tromsö, my main intention is to take pictures of the northern lights during the night (got some really nice pictures there last March). This time I rent a car and I thougt it would be nice to take some GoPro pictures from the city of Tromsö and the fjords arround it. But after reading your posting it seems that I have to travel without the quadrocopter :-(
