Heavy Load X8 Fall from the Sky-Crash, Need answears, clues,...


Recently I had a serious accident, crash with my heavy X8 multi. So I ask all of you to help me solve this riddle, what, why, how it went wrong ...
I'll try to describe the whole situation step by step. Before I start here was my current setup .

X8 -frame
WKM with GPSV1 and IMU V1 - firmware 5.16
4S 17400mAh
Motors MT2814 - 11 710kv
Tiger ESC 30A
Graupner 12x6 props
Receiver Frsky TFR4 - with Futaba TX T8FG Super
immersion 5.8Ghz 600MW
Opale Parachute
Total weight = 7.7kg

For two years I did not upgrade, replace anything just frame. 4 months ago I moved the whole existing setup from the flat octo 8 to coaxial x8. In those 4 months I have tested and flown at least 30 times without any problems in all modes: Manual, Atti, GPS. For safety reasons I ordered and mounted on frame rescue system - Parachute Opale. Check COG multicopterja and tested the whole rescue system and it works well.

That day I went on hill (attach image bellow) recorded landscape over the fog. On the hill I prepare and start to fly like every other days. I replaced the 3 batteries. I flew between 300 - 500m away. I flew exclusively in Atti mode. When I put the last reloud of batteries, check the GPS Tracker also and fly in a straight line with a constant speed of 5 - 6m/s. At a distance of 532m or near 2min of flight, I suddenly lost all signals: Futaba 2.4Ghz, 5.8Ghz FPV Video Camera And GH2 camera, 2.4Ghz Quanum telemetry. I looked into both monitors FPV and Rec one, both show just snow. Quanum telemetry shows: no signal.

It lasted 2-3 seconds. X8 is already roll over and started to fall. For a moment (3 sec) I get all the signals back and immediately added elevation. X8 began to stop falling down (upside-down position). Adrenaline flown through my body like a drug, time has stopped - seconds seemed like minutes. I raised both hands up in order to get the best signal. On both monitors and telemetry Quanumu I got the video image and telemerty info back. This moment lasted for 1-3 seconds and then I lost again. I immediately activated Rescue System - Paracshute on Futaba switch, then with both stick indicate for shutting down the motors and watch how the x8 disappeared in the fog. I was thinking only one thing: whether the parachute opened??? I sent an SMS to GPS tracker for crash coordinates. There was no SMS reply.
To make a long story short; X8 I found with the help of Quanuma telemetry - follow signal to appear. When I checked the whole heli, I saw that the servo did not activate the parachutes- start position.
On the other hand, I was lucky that 8kg falling bomb from the sky (200m above) did not kill someone. Flying over uninhabited region.

- On the hill were placed satellite dishes and were oriented in all directions.
- I flew in Atti mode: no effect on GPS
- No wind
- I was flying above the fog, humidity was not included
- with that electronic I was flew over 1KM on sea and wast landscape with no problem.

That day I called the Kopterworx who told me what could went wrong. Yet I will not reveal their clues, because I would like to hear from you other possible clues, observation, of what cause a sudden drop and crash.

Here you have raw video (I needed 2 days I got a clip) and the overall situation of Flight (Google Earth).
View attachment 15366

Any hint are welcome.

Thank you all guys.


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wow! im sorry for your accident....
i have no idea how to help,
i flown my wookokng in rainforest humidity, sea, sierras here i Peru....and nothing bad happend.....yet.
my Naza V2 dont like cold and humidity, i have to put it on the sun, or warm up the LED with a hair drier everytime before startup...

well, ill wait for you to reveal Kopterworks clues.....about your crash.



Active Member
The fact that you lost/regained everything simultaneously suggests to me a possible power problem. How are your batteries wired? Do they converge to a single attachment point on a PCB or do they go to three attachment points on a PCB? i.e. is there any part of the power wiring that is carrying the full current? What power connectors are used?


Was everything being powered from your main flight pack?
What have you managed to salvage from the crash?


The fact that you lost/regained everything simultaneously suggests to me a possible power problem. How are your batteries wired? Do they converge to a single attachment point on a PCB or do they go to three attachment points on a PCB? i.e. is there any part of the power wiring that is carrying the full current? What power connectors are used?

hi jes111,

have 3 x 4s 5800mAh batery wired parallel with 250A Power Distribution Board and using 5.5 bullet connectors. Forget to mention that a sec before flip moment I was released sticks (no elevation at all), so heli just start to stoping. And after crash when I founded on the ground all batteries are just fine, no damage at all and telemetry shown 3.9V per cell. On my 85% throttle elevation test (never go beyond), under that weight, shown near 100A, a lot bellow warning... Another thing is to consider that I reloaded 4 set of batteries before crash and fly like butter. I thing in current situation is distance and some kind interference included?
View attachment 15370


On my luck broke and destroy cam GH2, WKM GPS, maybe IMU, 1 ESC, Vulcan Frame completely-center plate and booms, and tilt bar on cinestar gimbal. Around 2.000,00€ damage...


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Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Did your telemetry have Data Logging? If so what did it show? It seemed like the power just disappeared and if you're running the video and RC from the main pack that would explain the loss of signal, maybe, and the fact the parachute didn't open as the whole RC system was down.

Why is the video so short? It was just getting interesting!

Also, if you have the WKM limiting function set it will never fly too far away. You'll need firmware 5.20 or up I believe.

Good luck!


Active Member
So a power loss sounds less than likely ;) My only other guess is that aliens were using the aerials on the hill to relay a message home and swamped all the frequencies you were using :):upset:


I don`t thing that main power do with sudden fall, because have 3s 2200mah battery that supply whole gimbal. why then I lost video from gimbal too?
Guys from Kopterwox said that 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz GSM and WIFI transmitter antennas on the hill some kind involved. I ran into power signal tube or tunnel that confuse whole X8.
Thay said they run into it also and hapend similar, but their multi have speed and successfuly passed..

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
So your video transmitter didn't run off the main pack. Why did the signal not return when you moved out of the interference on the way down?

Lucky your heli seemed to land right next to a road (on the map)!


have 2 video transmitters. one is attached on boom Fpv the other one is on the gimbal...
Read somewhere that DSLR have 2-3 sec delay when recording, so end of video is the last recordedbefore smashed...
Yes near to the road. Fist hit the tree and then land on the ground...


Active Member
I ran into power signal tube or tunnel that confuse whole X8.
Thay said they run into it also and hapend similar, but their multi have speed and successfuly passed..
That sounds like microwave point-to-point - a very tightly focussed beam - I've heard that those cause problems.


Active Member
I remember reading several disaster stories on RCG about these towers. The tall, thin antennae are for cell phones. The round ones with covers are point-to-point microwave - apparently they kill anything (including birds!) - Best avoided!

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That explain everything, thanks. Now know what went wrong. Been walking in the dark don`t knowing what happen...
tommorow will go there to check if those antenas are there. will report.

Thanks for all valuable info...
oh almost forget. someone suggested to eliminate lost signal is that little booster, just ordered ebay: http://Stronger 2W/33DBm WiFi 802.11b/g Booster Amplifier


That explain everything, thanks. Now know what went wrong. Been walking in the dark don`t knowing what happen...
tommorow will go there to check if those antenas are there. will report.

Thanks for all valuable info...
oh almost forget. someone suggested to eliminate lost signal is that little booster, just ordered ebay: http://Stronger 2W/33DBm WiFi 802.11b/g Booster Amplifier

+1 to jess1
Yuo confirmed my explanation to Vojec. This tower conections are a killer. THis guys must be using 2wat 2.4 or 5.8 bridge conections and this is not the first time i have seen this happen. We have a 5.8 link from our shop to my house and another one on longer distance and that one has a booster so its not 25mwat. And as soon as i pass the frezel zone off them i loose my video signal for a short time while i am inside frezel zone.

VOjec call me so we can se what spare parts can we get for you. ALredy have some stuff ready.


Did you have your lost signal failsafe set up? It seems as though it should have gone into failsafe at the first sign of a lost signal and flown itself home.
