Heavy Lift Octo payload data


Hey MicroFoe

Sorry no one has answered you. You may need to search through this forum for what you need. I know RTRyder recently posted about this but it was inside another thread.
Maybe doa search for his posts or search for legal, Law or FAA and see what come up.

from what i can tell technically it is ilegal in teh US for take photograhs from an RC aerial vehicle commercialy. For personal use and not for profit i believe is still OK. But dont quote me in that. I also think that the FAA are not too concerend about it at the moment and that is why many people think its an aceptable risk to continue professionaly.

RTRyder did mention some cases where the FAA have stopped business doing professional work with threat of very large fines but i can only guess that they maybe taking photos of things they shouldnt, or where they do not have permission.
Again you must do further research on this please dont take my word for it.
Oh and a friendly suggestion, be careful how you ask for people to answer your questions. You may come across as being a impatient and demanding if your not careful.
If you dont get the answers you want then try to rephrase the questions or start a new topic. Humor alwasy helps get you replies as well.;)

Please can you tell me a little more about how you got your license from the CAA to taking doing Aerial works and some rough idea of cost?




I didn't mean to sound impatient. I had a couple of responses and for them, I am grateful. I waited a day and a half to ask again. My lack of response from some of the people posting the great videos on this forum, tells me everything
I need to know. Some times what a person does not say, tells you more than what they do say.


Drone Enthusiast
I guess there is an awful lot of IP in some of these MR's and their set up and many thousands of dollars invested. I aint in Texas but if you want to ask me specific questions on how I started and moved up the ladder then PM me and I will help as much as I can.


Another flight yesterday with our heavy lift okto and Sony FS100.

Another test flight checking the numbers and camera stability. This is a 7 minute start to finish flight with the Cinestar 8, MK boards and 14" APC props. I flew the FS100 for 7 minutes and on recharge the lipo took 5100mAh back. Esc and motors were barely warm to touch with the outside ambient at 78F. Zero post stabilization on the Fs100 which I shot at 108060P with the 18-55 lens (Standard for Steady Shot).

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