Heavy lift batteries and chargers


In the 10000-22000 sizes what battery do you folks prefer? Is their a specific brand you have had better luck with? Also, what charger do you like for these? I was all set to buy a cellpro but just read a battery showdown tonite ranking it 6 out of 6. Damn internet. Lol. Thx


I prefer using multiple batteries of smaller mah than 1 large battery.

If a cell goes bad, or a pack gets damaged, I can replace that single $100 battery, vs losing the whole $4-500 large battery..

Obviously your machine has to be designed for multiple batteries... :)


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Your problem with going to too large a battery is how to charge them in a hurry when out flying. 10Ah batteries are easy enough to do with most setups but once you get to 16Ah then it can become difficult. Its not so much the charger that is the limiting factor but where you are getting your power from. I use 16Ah batteries for my Vulcan and trying to charge 4 of these at once at 0.7C maxes out my Honda eu20i generator! As for chargers I would go either with the Cellpro or with the iCharger 406 duo or iCharger 4010 duo. They are both excellent chargers although the iChargers have a far better screen/data presentation making them that bit easier to use.


Are you using the dc output on the honda? Cause it only puts out 8amp @ 12v

Also, what brand of battery do you prefer?


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
No, the Honda will put out a max of 1600w constant and 2000w peak and with 4x 16Ah batteries going at .7C by the time you account for losses in the system you are pulling 1500-1600w from the Geni. I use the 240v outputs into my normal power supplies into 406duo chargers.

As for batteries, Gensace/Tattu are hard to beat and reasonably easy to get hold of.
