Thanks guys...
You are right...I need to try Headplays for myself in order to be certain...which is probably going to be easier said than done as there are few stockists in the UK as yet. They have taken an awfully long time to reach these shores. According to other forums, until recently they have only been available for purchase by UK residents via eBay or personal import. There is (at least) one stockist who now does have them for sale in the UK, but I read online about older people having the issues I described, so I held off buying the goggles for myself until I was certain. I suppose will need to exercise (even) more patience, and then wait some more

and maybe some kindly pilot will let me try them for myself.
Randy, I heard your question today on episode 75 podcast.
I'm 62 myself and had this exact issue with Headplays. The Headplay goggle is the best value I've seen on the market given the full 720 resolution that matches the Phantom/Inspire downlink resolution. The clarity is way better than anything else I've found. But most of us old guys will need to use custom glasses in conjunction with the provided Fresnel lens to get clarity with the Headplay goggles. The issue is that even with the Fresnel lens choices that come with the Headplay, that's not enough. So I developed my own set of FPV glasses out of pure determination to use the Headplay unit.
First, I found myself some +3.0 reader glasses ($45). I bought higher quality readers, but also looked for narrower width glasses to fit inside the goggle enclosure comfortably. The problem was the 3.0 magnification wasn't enough since the display is so close. Unfortunately nobody makes anything stronger than 3.0, so I had to get creative.
Second, since I'm a diver, I remembered you can buy stick on reader lenses for standard dive googles, a cheap way to read gauges up close. So I ordered some
+3.0 lenses on Amazon ($15) that are designed to stick to the inside of standard dive goggles or reading glasses. I guessed at the magnification I needed, but with Amazon you can send stuff back if it doesn't work out. So I stuck these lenses on the inside of the +3.0 reader glasses, giving me an effective +6.0 magnification. This worked perfect, the display was in focus and I could use the Headplays, just like a youngster.
The only issue I have with the Headplay goggles is that it's difficult to see telemetry on the bottom of the display. I have to physically push the google up a little to see the numbers on the bottom of the display, which with a Phantom 3 isn't a big deal unless you need to see the little radar screen for craft orientation.
Erick Royer, I think you're right. Eventually optometrists will soon offer special FPV prescriptions for various brand googles. Coincidentally my wife works for an optometrist, I'll be talking to the doctor about this next time I see him.
I just found a website that sells high power readers, up to +6 power. I just ordered some from
this company.