Havin' Fun


New Member
Hi everyone, KZ here. I'm a not-so-new new kid on the forum. I've been flying RC and full scale for years of fun. As a career flying machine nut/engineer I've enjoyed building homebuilt airplanes and RC models that have always put a grin on me. Nothing beats the thrill of a maiden flight, either strapped in or at the Tx. Rotorcraft are near and dear to my heart. Because full scale heli's were just too expensive for me, I got my rotor fix transitioning into a High Command gyro. That was a total blast. That machine was like a jet ski in the sky. When not flying it, I'd be flying/crashing my RC heli's. Well, I no longer fly full scale and that's where FPV will put me back in the cockpit. I've built a RC Explorer Tricopter V3 (KK2), and now working on a Fortis Airframes Y6 (Eagle Tree Vector). The tricopter is going to be my FPV cockpit with a GoPro for eyes. The Y6 is going to take it to the next level with a gimbal mounted camera. There's a whole lot of learning going on at my end, and I'm loving it! I'm here to tap into your brains for all that I don't know. Thanks in advance. Blue skies all!


Drone Enthusiast
Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you have a hell of a pedigree for building great multirotors.

Have fun and fly safe!


Hey @kilozulu! I've got a tri and am building a Y6 for gimbal duty right now too! What gimbal did you end up with, the Fortis front mount one? What sort of configs/flight times?



New Member
Right now the Titan Y6 is just parts flying tight formation on my workbench with a maiden hopefully this weekend. Last night I finished up the wire harness for ESC power, nav lights, and position strobe. I should have the FC installed tonight and finish up signal wire and GPS antenna routing.

As yet, I'm not smart enough to pick a good gimbal. The Fortis front mount gimbal kit with 3rd party servo motors and controller looks like a good fit, but their quote of having to be patient with gimbal set up has me a bit leery. It's that steep learning curve I'm on that causes me to pause a bit. As for flight control configs, I was going to first fly with the Eagle Tree Vector's default settings for a tricopter, unless I get some good info otherwise.

I'll be flying with a Spektrum DX7 and a 6-ch Rx. How are gimbals typically set up for use by the pilot? I'm assuming 2-ch need to be dedicated to gimbal movement with dedicated sliders on the Tx. I need to figure out if what I have will work or do I need to swap in my DX9 with 9-ch Rx later when adding the gimbal.

I'm always open to good advice and ideas, but ultimately it's my anxious fingers on the sticks.


New Member
Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you have a hell of a pedigree for building great multirotors.

Have fun and fly safe!
Thanks for your welcome and vote of confidence. I'll try my best to keep it out of a smoking hole. ;)
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I'm curious if you considered converting your rcexplorer V3 into a Y6. I thought about it (and posted on his forum), but ended up with an Electrohub since it's already set up to mount a 3-axis gimbal. They are really neat, though.

Yes, gimbal tuning can be a lot of work if you get a DIY-oriented kit. Ready-made gimbals like a DYS (or the RCTimer I will be using on a Y6) are theoretically all set to go.

So, you're right, if you build the Fortis gimbal mount kit and source your own motors, wire up your own controller, etc. it's going to take a lot of effort. The Basecam gimbal controller board and alexmos firmware can give wonderful results once tuned.

For you, you might be better off with a gimbal that is already set up. So then you have a choice: 2-axis front mount like the Fortis/Discovery/QAV style or maybe a 3-axis underslung like the DYS, RCTimer, etc.? Just depends what you want it for, and whether or not you are willing to improvise a mount for 3-axis (this is one reason I didn't go with the Titan) and longer landing gear.

2-axis gimbals for front mount can be had from getfpv, same style as you might use on a QAV400. I also met a guy on reddit who improvised an inexpensive Ebay gimbal to mount similarly.

You can set aside 2 channels to control the gimbal, but keep in mind if you have a 2-axis gimbal you don't have yaw to control (yaw the copter) and probably don't need to control roll. So for 2-axis it'd just be one slider to control pitch.

I've never used an EagleTree Vector; I use Pixhawk on everything except for cc3d on a 250.

Looking forward to seeing your build come together!


New Member
Thanks for all the good info you provided. I'll look at each of the gimbal options you mentioned. The front mount is just one option but I'm not opposed to it being under-slung with tall landing gear. Flitetest is making available a camera/battery rail system that they recently shown in a video, mating an Electrohub. As soon as they have it in stock I'll get one and check it out on the workbench. I see no reason why it couldn't easily adapt to my Y6. I live by "if you can imagine it, you can make it". So, if that rail system doesn't work out, I'll come up with some other solution.

I did think about making the rcexplorer V3 into a Y6, but as luck would have it, the Titan Y6 ad was in a sidebar on the rcexplorer website. After watching Fortis' videos, I decided not to change the V3 because it flew so well. I look at my V3 as an agile flyer and the Y6 is going to be my hauler.

Last night I finished up the Y6 build and now the real work begins. Initial power up fired up assorted lights and beeps. Unfortunately, the Vector FC module was also flashing an error indication. I now have to dive into my DX7 and Vector manuals to walk me through getting the set ups correct. Here's the saving grace...no smoke! So, half the battle is behind me now.


Yes - that rail system only needs 4 bolt points for the thumb screws, so you should be able to adapt it somehow.

If you check my Y6 thread I have the Electrohub Y6 kit on the way which includes the new rail system.

Good to hear you're close! Looking forward to seeing some pictures/video.
