Hard to explain drift issue causing machine to fly out of control


Hi Folks,
Have the Naza set up in my new Hex all balanced with new Averticalview video gimbal.
I was able to get it in the air with no issues, seemed to fly great. It's all balanced and hovers nicely. A little drifting but not bad for the first couple flights.

But then the weirdness starts. And I really appreciate any feedback here as this seems like this might to be a tough one to figure out.

Like I said, it seems to lift off the ground nicely, fly for a few minutes, then fly a little farther out maybe 20 yards or so.
At a certian point in time the darn machine out of the blue starts to wander to the right. I start to compensate with a bit of cyclic to the left, moving the stick farther over and farther over until I'm at full cyclic to the left to just make it hover and then barely get it to the grougn safley. If I were to left off the right stick and center it the machine would shoot off to the right way out control.

I tried this with two different sets of packs today, fully charged.

The one thing I did do earlier today was I had to rebind as I set up the DX8 telemetry module.
I though this was the problem for some reason so I unhooked it. Unfortunately the problem of it shooting off to the right still occured.

Thanks very much for any help with this.
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Hi guys. Any input would be absolutely awesome. I'm wondering if this could be some sort of interference issue? Just have no idea and need all the help I can get.
Thanks for your time.


Thanks Tom. Yes. The Hex is totally level. The weird thing is that it seems to start the almost uncontrollable right cyclic drift a few minutes into the flight.


Drone Enthusiast
Can u post some pictures of your build..


How long into the flight does this happen?

Have you tried unloading the copter to minimum weight and seeing if it does it then?



Can you post some pic's of your set-up? Some good close up shots would help.

Also, how is the Naza mounted? Should be a rigid as possible, no air bubbles on the tape.


Thanks so much. I'm going through wiring right now and making sure the mounting is all good. It should be all good, just checking a 10th time. I'll load some pics here very shortly for you to check out which woudl be very nice.
Thanks you very much for the support.




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Hi Dave,
Here are a few pics of the motors and esc's.

The motors are robbe roxxy 2827-35

The esc's are turnigy plush 12a-e

This weird drift to the right scenario happens about 2 minutes into flight with two fully charged 2650 4s turnigy lipo's. From then on if I land and then take off it happens again with in 20 seconds or so. The weird part is that it slowly gets worse and worse. If I feel it starting to happen I can land quickly, but if I wait it's almost uncontrollable.
If I wait too long, I have to put the right stick at full left cyclic for it to hover then bring it down.

Thanks so much for your help.
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Drone Enthusiast
ESC's sound to be overheating..

Strip off all the weight and fly on one pac, see if the time before problems start increase..

Get rid of the gel mount .. hard mount the nazza

U got becs on the esc's ? have you pulled out the live from the bec?

Are you sure you have all the AR8000 connectors in the correct orientation? signal, + - a couple look wrong like Elev



Dave! You nailed it!

I tried the easiest of all options and pulled the gimbal and camera and one of the 2650 4s packs.

Flew light and one pack. Worked great. Flew for 9 minutes.
Esc's were hot but I could keep my fingers on them so they weren't super smoking hot.
So what does this all mean?
Esc's aren't what this machine needs?

-I left the gel mount...
-No bec's.
- All Ar8000 connectors are perfect.

Thanks so much to all of you for getting me this far.


The esc's and probably the motors are working too hard for the weight you are trying to lift.
I'm assuming the motors are comming down hot, too, with the weight off on your last flight.

If so, run your numbers in the ecal ulator and find what works for your weight.

Concerning esc's, I always get at least one size larger than what the motors are rated at. It's best to not overwork an esc, as these hexa's don't auto-rotate worth a damn!

The fact you flew with the weight stripped off but the esc's were still hot really tells you that you are still over-taxing her.


Thanks guys.
Just curious, what esc's would you recommend for the type machine I'm flying.
Brand and best place to buy?
I'm thinking 20 amp esc's will do the trick, but 30's might be even better.

I am no expert at MRC's but I have a lot of heli background time. This may be a suggestion that will be derided, but looking at the wiring, I can see several cases where wires are going around the edges of the frame quite tightly with nothing under them to prevent possible chaffing ? Just a thought when nothing else works :)


i saw some flipped cables going to the naza unit, i did use the zeal tape for my naza for a while but it led to erratic behavior, ive removed it and gone with 3m outdoor adhesive tape and ive had far better results with it.
