1001copters.com Gryphon Dynamics distributor

Hi Guys,

as Bart told me, it's been a long time I didn't came on the board and I apologize. This year I have been very busy and it's not finished :) (Ingeneer diploma incoming...)

Some of you already know the Gryphon Dynamics frames, for the other ones, it's just the state of the art of the actual frames. Yes I'm a bit enthusiast ^^

What are the strengths of these frames ?

Gryphons Dynamics have anticipated the professionnal markey. The littlest frame is 800mm diameter, the biggest... 1.6m. Yes, a Dodecacopter of 1.6m ... The frames are designed to handle the biggest slow fly motors like te U5/U7 or U8 motor with the biggest propellers (29 inches).
When you deal with such larges frames, it's obvious that a transportation problem will arrive very soon. Not with the Gryphon Dynamics frame : all the frame sold on 1001Copters.com webshop is foldable.
I already ear some of you saying:"foldable ?! this means weak structures, vibrations and so on !" Not with the Gryphon Frames.
The folding system is not only stiff and strong, it's also very well designed. Two 1/2 turn screws allow you to release the folding arm:


For long travell, it's also very easy: just unscrew two bolts and that's it: you can remove the arm with the motor and propellers attached, place it safely in your transport case. The optionnal Core PCB will allow you an easy cabling. Everything has been designed to simplify the mounting: heat sink for the ESC inside arms, special designed motor mount for large motors, distribution plates, ...

And if you have any doubt about the strengh of the frame, have a look at this video:

It's a 1m diameter hexacopter, not a small one :)

Dealer welcome ;)
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Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Well, I have just built a 1000mm hexa with U7 and 18 inch props. Loooooovvvverrrrllllllyyyyyyy!!!!!

looking for a frame that can handle the dual sky 7010 7.5 Motors that I have. Looks like you have what I want. How do I go about getting one?


First of all, you should visit my webshop (1001copters.com) and have a look at the frames and options you need. I don't have all the sizes in stock but the delay is very short to have a missing size (10 to 12 days)

Feel free to contact me on my eail thru the webshop if you have any question ;)

Best regards,


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
The only enhancement I can think of is getting rid of the torx screws and replacing them with hex or vice versa. It is just another tool that someone has to carry around. Personally I prefer torx over hex but having a mix doesn't seem logical to me. Otherwise I cant think of anything. So far the frame is as lovely as it looks. Longevity over the folding frame connectors will be interesting to see. Also, Gryphon need to hurry up with the release of their folding retracts!!!!:tennis::shame:

The only enhancement I can think of is getting rid of the torx screws and replacing them with hex or vice versa. It is just another tool that someone has to carry around. Personally I prefer torx over hex but having a mix doesn't seem logical to me. Otherwise I cant think of anything. So far the frame is as lovely as it looks. Longevity over the folding frame connectors will be interesting to see. Also, Gryphon need to hurry up with the release of their folding retracts!!!!:tennis::shame:

That's why 1001 Copters is providing two screwdrivers (torx and Hex) with all the frames ;)
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