Greetings from Knoxville Tennessee!


Air Traffic Controller
Hello folks... I'm new to the site from RC Groups as recommended by several others. I've been in the multi-rotor game for about 10 months now and have never had any previous RC experience whatsoever, except to watch my dad crash his only attempt while smoking a Viceroy and cussing, when I was a lad.

I've built now three different vehicles. My first was home-brew with the typical towel bar from Home Depot and hacker motors. I've only used the Hoverfly Pro FC and have no experience or commentary on any of the others. I've built a large (40" MTM) X8 which was so nice and steady. I rebuilt that into a large Y6 for better camera accessibility out front. The last two were using Rusty's excellent frame.

I'm a hacker by nature and addicted to electronics and all types of gadgets. I program the Parallax Propeller in various hobbies and projects, which is the primary reason I chose HoverFly.

Professionally, I am an air traffic controller and have been working my way towards retirement from the Miami, Florida area. I have a general class amateur radio license, K4ATC, but not much active. I hope to utilize it some as I'm venturing into FPV. At one time, I made a living at photography; mainly sports and a few weddings and didn't like going hungry, as I wasn't that good. So all the thing I've done and like in life seem to be nicely balled up in the curious thing called multi-rotor flying. I'm hooked.

In any case, I look forward to learning from you folks, sharing a few cracks and jokes and maybe helping some out.

Kind Regards to all,



Welcome to!!
Welcome to the site Fred. Are you Miami Center? I'm on the other end of the radio of the guys you probably cuss at when the mic isn't cued.

isn't it a little bit amazing how this multi-rotor thing usually brings a bunch of stuff together at the same time for people?



Air Traffic Controller
Hey Bart,
I started my career at MacDill AFB in 84 and got hired in the FAA in 87. I worked Miami Center from 87 to 2001 when I transferred to West Palm Beach Approach. I worked there until the wife-unit got tired of getting our asses whipped by the hurricanes, (Wilma did a lot of damage to our home) and we moved to Knoxville in 2006. Been eligible to retire for about a year now and wife-unit says I need a hobby besides her, (we were only married in 2006) so here I am.

I wasn't one of the controllers who cussed pilots. I always figured I have a job because you fly, not the other way around so I loved you guys from the start. Still do. The only problem with Knoxville is its SO DAMN SLOW!... and... My employees fall asleep. :/ 9-10k a day there... 300 a day here... Rough!

Anyway, pleasure to meet you and if you ever fly over east Tennessee, say hey on 123.9!
