Active Member
Had a disturbing thing happen over the weekend while out for a little flight with my P2/GoPro. Used it for a week while on vacation and had no issues (thankfully since I was flying over the ocean) but once I returned home and went back to a field I fly in a lot I had some issues. First it took me about four attempts to finally get a GPS lock with 7 or more satellites. I'm using the DJI 5.8 vtx/rx, DJI miniOSD and a RMRC 9" monitor for FPV. The first three calibration attempts failed, the fourth I got 7 sat's. I took off in ATTI mode and started flying my usual path, about 1 minute in I noticed the quad starting to drift, then the Zenmuse H3-2D started to lose its orientation and horizon. I glanced at the screen and noticed I had 0 satellites locked. I didn't think that it mattered since I was in ATTI mode and not GPS but I was wrong. It was difficult to navigate since the stick input wasn't always what I was getting on the other end. I was able to bring it back to home without a crash but it never gained GSP lock again and I had decided to ground it (maybe the best decision yet) until I can figure out what happened. Glad none of this happened while out over the ocean.
<iframe src="//" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" width="500"></iframe> Lost Satellite on DJI P2 from John Woike on Vimeo.
<iframe src="//" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="281" width="500"></iframe> Lost Satellite on DJI P2 from John Woike on Vimeo.