GoPro Bluetooth frequency interference


With the recent posts about 'flyaways' and such I started wondering if the GoPro with Bluetooth option turned on might be causing some interference with the Tx. According to what I've read Bluetooth does frequency hopping and transmits from 2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz. Does anyone with a background in this field have any thoughts on this possibility?



Bird's Eyes Aerial Media
Back in my beginner days I had a tricopter that wouldn't take off due to the Bluetooth on the gopro interfering that bad. Some systems can take it but it will cut your range some

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I used it with Spektrum equipment before and had no problems but have read posts about interference with the Phantom rx.

Electro 2

Given a choice, I wouldn't use *any* 2.4 stuff if I was using a 2.4 RC radio. Period. Bluetooth, WiFi, whatever. The TX chip-based modules in these things simply aren't that clean. There's always some sideband products or in-band trash along with the intended signal being radiated. Would it impare your 2.4 RC ? More than likely, one way or another, there would be some sort of issue. No point in going there to find out when your aircraft is on the line.
