Hoverfly Gimbal horizon

Im still having trouble with getting roll and tilt to hold a nice horizon, is it vibes? Possibly the mount location, where have u guys installed it on an av200? No 3rd


aerial video centric
Same problem here. Using the setup assistant, I tried putting a level on the frame as well as on the gimbal at the same time and that helped (there was probably some play between the frame and gimbal). This helped and it basically held horizonal until the 3rd flight and then it was off again. Will probably repeat the setup assistant and dual level approach before each flight.

Mine has been holding great since the update, got my tilt dialed in on my radio. Little tuning on the hexa and im a happy camper



Have got cinestar 2-axis gimbal and HFP.
My gimbal servos don't move at all :(
Wiring is correct. Camera mount is enabled in setup utility.

