Giant Y6 coax switch back to normal hex?


One of my build, Y6 Coax with 20x8 props. It flies really well & still fly/hold without 1-2 motors/propelers.
But now, 2016 its a trend Giant hex. (Alta & Matrice 600). Im considering to switch back to standard Hexa X/radial config. for higher payload and longer flight time & faster flight speed. Probably 18x10 props for smaller footprint.
Does Anyone have experience lossed 1 motor/prop with Aircraft Super X FC? Does it hold/rotate/crash?


I can't comment on whether it will fly with one motor down as that depends on weight / power ratio.

But I find that the large flat disc of a hexa or octo are generally more stable.

Old Man

Active Member
Power "headroom" is what keeps a hex or octo in the air after a motor failure. Being what they are, meaning not a quad, allows the loss of a motor and still sustain controlled flight possible, but only when the remaining motors and props have adequate thrust to compensate for the loss. The flight controller just tells each motor what it needs to do to keep things in balance but if those motors were near or at max output with all of them working they can't put out more than they already were to pick up the slack. To do it right requires each motor needs to have 3 times more thrust than necessary when everything is working right to provide a safe reserve. Something really heavy might need even greater reserves.


This is a video of the maiden flight of our large Y6. It can hover at 50% with an all up weight of 36lbs for 15+ minutes. In this video we have added a 5lb weight for an AUW of 26lbs. It was also really quite windy:

We usually tune stabilize first, then start tuning the different flight modes, altitude hold, loiter, auto takeoff and landing etc.. Then we tune for autonomous missions. On a subsequent test flight we had an issue with a bullet connector and flew on five motors. We weren't even aware that a motor had failed.
