GH3 vs GH2 comparison VIDEO

You're my new aerial idol Ben, really nice footages.:) Anyway, if you're shooting it in reverse, does that mean that the car is driving in reverse, during the shoot? Also, thought you use a post process zoom.

Yes, the car was driving in reverse too. It was a fairly easy shot actually. We didn't adjust the zoom in post.


It (the first scene in the first video) is played backwards, is it?

Edit, sorry ( I did not read the last posts) too late ...

best regards


To be fair, PaNt (Pavlos) guessed it first. We've done the "reverse shot" on a few shoots. Sometimes it just makes more sense, especially when you need a smooth descent on a windy day.

Ben, as read in your blog post about battery life being better than the GH2. Did you see Panasonic offers the DC coupler
Maybe this couple be hooked up to a lipo. Although the added weight might not be worth it.


Have gentWIRE-FOCUS and using on GH2. I tried it a few days ago and didn't work!? Which slot you plugin Remote or MIC? Whether it is necessary to enable the settings maybe?

