hi, i picked up my S800 just the other day and so far am very happy with the way it flies, freaked myself out a little bit when i just let go of the sticks in gps to see what would happen and it stopped dead with a huge reverse pitch moment which had me thinking i was going home with a box of bits, but no, the phantom would still drift considerably but the s800 evo just stops dead, brill. anyway i digress. and altitude hold...excellent,
im not so happy with the GH2. ive upgraded to firmware 1.1 but not hacked it yet... bit nervous of hacking as its not mine
what settings do you guys use most commonly, i was flying in 1080 and was getting all sorts of moire patterning in the detail in the trees and the grass, im going to try 720P 60 next time then just render in FCP, but with manual apperture to give a good DOF f8 ish and manual shutter, ive seen over 1/125 recommended, the lens is a 25mm prime panasonic would like something wider say a 20mm any thoughts suggestions would be gratefully accepted and appreciated. thansk steve
im not so happy with the GH2. ive upgraded to firmware 1.1 but not hacked it yet... bit nervous of hacking as its not mine