Getting F550 Kit dialed in for video



The full size 1920 x 1080 file can be seen on Vimeo:

Getting there, camera is NX5n with 16mm lens on a F550 with 6400 3cel lipos. The gimbal is a 2 axis run by the Naza. I have a separate FPV cam to see the video frame. I am prettty happy with the results.

I get about 6 minutes of flight time with 25% left on the lipo. It is heavy a little more than 3000g.

I will be shooting a lot more in the next few weeks. But I think I will be able to get the quality of shots I want from this setup. It is my first serious try for quality airials in a scale model. I have shot a lot from a real heli.

I also have an F450 with GoPro that does pretty well but not the quality I want.
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Can you please share details of what gimbal, what servos, are you using the Naza gimbal control, DJI motors? etc.?


Here Is the setup of my F550.

Standard motors ESCs
Naza w GPS
DTXC1878 Onyx LiPo 3S 11.1V 6400mAh 25C Soft Case Deans
Futaba 8FGHS Super 8-Channel 2.4GHz Radio MD2
FUTL7627 Futaba R617FS Fasst 2.4Ghz 7 Channel receiver
MKTRpro Gimbal with dual roll servos, single direct tilt servo, I use Naza to control it and one channel to adjust tilt from the 8FGHS.
CMQ1684L-N SONY Super HAD CCD II 600TVL D-WDR DNR Mini Board
PB0018 8 Channel 800mW 1.2 to1.3ghz Wireless A/V Transmitter and receiver
CMQ1684L-N SONY Super HAD CCD II 600TVL D-WDR DNR Mini Board FPV cam
IKAN 9" Monitor with IDX battery and a voltage regulator for the receiver (IDX is 16.8v, I regulate it down to 12.1v) on a light stand.
NX5N with 16mm f2.8 pancake lens

Some Photos of the kit:
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Some more F550 and a couple from the F450 and GoPro.

I am really liking these setups. The 450 can do the scouting and the money shots will be the 550.

I get FPV with amy IPhone on the 450 and on a monitor from the 550.

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Hi Olof,

Wonderful shots! My compliments! One question: what props do you use?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Hi Olof,

Wonderful shots! My compliments! One question: what props do you use?

I use Gemfan Carbon fiber 10x5 that are hand balanced.

I just got some Gemfan 10x4.5 nylon carbon mix and 10x5 Graupners E-props that I am about to balance on my DuBro and try.

One trick to getting smooth shots is don't use GPS mode. I use Atti, you can start the heli moving and then just let go of the sticks, it gives you a super smooth glide, or let the wind take you in an arc by accelerating into the wind at a 45 degree angle and the result will be a very smooth curved flight path. Same thing with a climb just get some speed going and drift while applying some positive throttle in Atti mode and stay off the controls.

The hardest shots are descends. You have to descend slowly with some lateral motion or you will hit turbulent air.

It is all about very small smooth moves. Not exciting but it gives you nice results. Keep doing the shots until you get it smooth. Then land and set up the next one. Figure your shot before you do it on a storyboard if you can. Then getting the shot is easy.

I plan to use the 450 to rough out my shots and then actually get them with the 550. This saves a lot of batteries.

I am doing this to get professional video, and it is interesting that you can do it with a $2,500.00 setup (Including everything camera & lenses as well). I have tripods that cost more w/o a camera.

I may still go to a S800 or comparable rig, but this is pretty cool. And if it is a total loss, I will be flying over salt water, it does not hurt my insurance company so much.


Dirty Little Hucker
Some great tips there olof, I am still playing but hope to master the Technics of the shots. I did notice the decent on these units has to be slow, did not figure out why until you mentioned it, then it clicked!. I thought I had a gain set wrong, but what you said makes complete sense.

I use Gemfan Carbon fiber 10x5 that are hand balanced.

I just got some Gemfan 10x4.5 nylon carbon mix and 10x5 Graupners E-props that I am about to balance on my DuBro and try.

One trick to getting smooth shots is don't use GPS mode. I use Atti, you can start the heli moving and then just let go of the sticks, it gives you a super smooth glide, or let the wind take you in an arc by accelerating into the wind at a 45 degree angle and the result will be a very smooth curved flight path. Same thing with a climb just get some speed going and drift while applying some positive throttle in Atti mode and stay off the controls.

The hardest shots are descends. You have to descend slowly with some lateral motion or you will hit turbulent air.

It is all about very small smooth moves. Not exciting but it gives you nice results. Keep doing the shots until you get it smooth. Then land and set up the next one. Figure your shot before you do it on a storyboard if you can. Then getting the shot is easy.

I plan to use the 450 to rough out my shots and then actually get them with the 550. This saves a lot of batteries.

I am doing this to get professional video, and it is interesting that you can do it with a $2,500.00 setup (Including everything camera & lenses as well). I have tripods that cost more w/o a camera.

I may still go to a S800 or comparable rig, but this is pretty cool. And if it is a total loss, I will be flying over salt water, it does not hurt my insurance company so much.

Olof, Thanks for those tips they sound very helpful. I'm ready to start trying to get some of the vibration out of my F550. What is the proper balance are you using and do you balance your motors also? I saw someone on YouTube set up a arm on a workbench to balance their motors but I wasn't sure how to set up the speed control to work one at a time.

Thanks again for all your help.



I have just been balancing my props not the motors. There are as you say videos on how to do this.

But I found a huge difference just balancing the props. If one is significantly out then it will make for all kinds of jelly. I try to get them all reasonable by sanding or adding glue on the hub. Usually it only takes about 3 minutes a prop. If they need a lot of sanding I would just trash that one or send it back, they should be close to start.


Aerial Fun

This is some of the better footage I've seen off this small hex.
Is the footage you just put up of the Sony the raw footage or have you run it though software stabilization?

Good stuff and thanks for the technique help.....



I do a CC in FCPX and then I run Warp stabilizer with some special settings in AE CS6 for the shots that need help, I use the no scaling feature and search frames for 1 sec and detailed analysis, it takes a while but it really helps, if you were clumsy on the controls or a gust of wind hits you during the shot. Then I bing it back to FCPX for cutting and final CC. Some of the shots here did not need anything but if you need to smooth I think those are the best tools.

Flying smoothly and setting up your shots and doing them over and over until you get it right is the key though.

At this point I have shot less than an hour so I am really just learning. But I am applying the same techniques I use in a full scale heli. Those are $7,000.00 a day with a Tyler mount.


Aerial Fun
I'm asking because I have the software & editing tools & skills, so no issue there. I'm designing a build and want very smooth video. Trying to decide between a 650, 800 or 950mm heavy lifter hex. I was assuming I wasn't looking a raw footage from the f550, but wanted to check.

Regardless, I'll say again, it's some of the better "final" footage I've seen off the f550.... Makes me think I can go with a 650 frame that will carry 8.14 lbs with 11" rotors and 9.6 lbs with 12" rotors. Just might not carry a 5D in this setup for photography, but that's not the end of the world.


Active Member
Olof, great job. I couldn't agree more about the flying techniques. I see so many people trying to get the best stabilization on their copter before they even think about how they fly. I'm convinced that good video starts at the controller sticks and moves out from there.

When you are talking about stabilizing in post, you can really get it nailed in. I just started playing with my NEX for the first time as well, and I'm not even using a gimbal at (long story). I have it hard mounted to the front of my landing gear and was able to produce the video below after just a few minutes of editing in FCP. Don't mind the color or the softness of the video though, it was my first time using this camera for video, and the fog has been crazy here for the last few days. This was just a test.

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Gimbal pitch and roll gain..

Hi Olof,

What gimbal pitch and roll gain are you using? I'm flying 450 and I find gain 10, to be smoother than 20. But I still can't get it to be smooth like yours without using any stabilizer. Can you share your secrets. Thanks!


I am running Pitch gain at 15 and Roll at 20.

Here is the latest video I shot yesterday.

Something strange happened to my Naza at the end of these flights. It had been flying very smoothly and beautifully for about 6 5 minute flights in the morning, the shots in the above video.

Then after a lunch break I went to another spot and started getting some shots down. When all of a sudden the gimbal started pitching wildly side to side and the altitude and attitude became un controllable I was lucky to get the heliback down in one piece, but it was a rough landing, not vertically but it was traveling sideways and slid about 10' on the ice and then hit a ridge and toppled over on the ice, nicking a prop.

I tried a few more flights and it flew OK for a minute or so then went wild again. So I have ordered a new Naza and I will install it an see if the problem is fixed. The camera is fine as is everything else on the copter. I will send the Naza back to my dealer to see if this is a warranty issue. But I want to get back in the air quick so I bought a spare. I will report on what DJI and my dealer does about this problem. I would say this has to be a Naza problem I took the heli apart last night and checked all my solder connections. The new Naza will show if I am right, my dealer thinks it is the Naza as well.
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Might be that your gimbal system mechanically jammed. If it did the current draw on the two servos might be enough to sink the power supply voltage into the brownout region for your NAZA..... and all bets are off when your flight controller enters the Twilight Zone!


Nicely done Olof! Looks like it's pretty much zero wind. Did you ever try flying on a windy day? How's the gimbal reaction? Is it anywhere near the Zenmuse?


Nicely done Olof! Looks like it's pretty much zero wind. Did you ever try flying on a windy day? How's the gimbal reaction? Is it anywhere near the Zenmuse?

You are right only 1-2 mph wind that morning. And no it is not at all like a Zenmuse.

BTW I just ordered an S800 with Zenmuse. I can't wait to shoot with that rig.

I may be selling the F550 setup once I have the S800 all set up. Or I may keep it as a spare.
