70 degrees is a massive angle.. I really doubt your machine will be pushed over to 70 degressJust a note to all Gemini user if you do not have a parachute connected to your machine and lets say you are flying in the wind and a gust tilts your machine to 70deg it will fall like a rock from the sky as the mc will shut down the motors, this will also not give your mc chance to correct the problem because it has locked the motors.
Another problem is I have a dual redundancy system and had a vibration on the machine just before the crash which according Zero caused the imu to error. The sad part is the slave did not even activate or do anything, so money spent to help save the my x8 crashed. I had 2 crashes in a very short time before this crash which were ap related using ys-x6p so I upgraded to the gemini but this did not help much.
Just to add the parachute helps nothing if you are not high enough and the function can not be disabled.
It will also not allow the slave to take over because the master has locked the motors. It has happend twice before flowen in windy conditions and while flying and the machine hits a sudden gust of wind it tilted quite a bit stopped, stabilized and flew futher (ys-x6). This will not happen if you got the Gemini, and if you had a parachute and you are high enough that would be cool but not if you where lets say over a lake or area that was not accessible.
I have been sending e mails back and forth and back and forth to Zero who will not admit to the failure of there dual dedundancy....this is crazy????
The first crash the barometer came off the mc's board and machine went out off control and crashed. damages to my machine was about 2500$. I got it back from Zero flew three times then it would not power up and had to send it back again, second crash the gps modual malfunctioned and that crash was the expensive one at about 5000$ (trashed the machine and buildt a new one) including new Gemini not to mention it was at a customer and in fact lost the work there and that was about 10000$ per year . In both cases (after sending the hj file) Zero asked me to send at my cost the ap's back checked the out and sent them back at my costs for shipping. These are not empty statements I have all the mails saved on my pc.
I have been fly and building for a year and a half with multirotors now, I am not the pro or know it all but also not an idiot.