Gain settings DJI F550 WK-M, AG550 gimbal and NEX5-n


I was hoping for input/help from others with the same built as me.

I have a DJI F550 with Wookong. Stock motors and ESCs.
Graupner 10x5 props and Flightmax 8000mah S4 batteries.

Reason for not S3 batteries and 10x5 Graupners is the AG550 gimbal from Tppacks.
With my NEX5-n with 18-55mm lens I am pushing 3kg weight! When I get my OSD and FPV camera and 1.2Ghz videotransmitter I guess I will be around 3.1kgs.

This setup is flying ok - but could perform better for super smooth video!

By the way I am very pleased with the GPS/ATTI mode when full gps lock. It hovers in a locked position on the spot! Just a few cm travel depending on wind of course. I basicly fly in very good conditions with max 2-3 m/s.

I now have my basic gain settings in WKM software set to 150/150/125/125 and atti: 70/70. The gain settings for pitch and roll on the gimbal is set too 55/55.
I have also set my Futuba T8FG to 30% expo.

I fly mainly in GPS/atti mode. But it seems a bit twitchy and sometimes responses a bit too fast so the video gets a bit off level for a split second. This ruins those super smooth crane shots when I descend and turn a bit at the same time. I am aware of the point that these things need to fly and have some movement in order to get smooth video, or else they ascend and descend in their own prop wind.

I was hoping there where others out there with similar or exact same setup that have more experience and can share their settings.

I also have ordered bigger motors, Tiger Motors 2216 with a bit more power - 210w! And I understand they will run fine on the stock 30A escs. But now, after flying a few batteries with stock motors, they seem fine and working good. I hover just above 50% throttle and after 5 min flight time, the motors are not warm!

But maybe I will get smoother flying with bigger motors. Less throttle and they probably need less input to perform. Dont know.

Greatful for any input. Safe flying everyone :)


Draganflyer X4
The WKM likes smaller props so that they spin faster.

DJI recommend an 8" prop with 4S battery or a 10" prop with 3S battery.

I have just built a 550 and tried it with 10" props and 4S and it flew very rough. The motors also got hot.

Then I changed to 8" DJI props with the 4S and it work a lot better.

Changing your gains with the wrong props won't make much difference, they need to be the right size.

Hope that helps,



Hi Gunter
thanks for quick reply. Really appreciate this forum and the way people want to help :)

This sounds very likely and I will give it a try. Its just that with the weight of 3kgs +, I have been told from others that 10 inch props are the way to go.
But since you claim this works better for you - then I will give it a try.
I dont have Graupner 8" but will order some. I do have DJI stock props 8x4.5. From my late GAUI 550.
Would you recommend using these? Or should I be a bit sceptical to use stock props on this much weight? I know some people say they have had stock props breaking in mid air!! Ouch :) Dont want that!


use 10x5 graupners then you have nice cool motors on 4s. Works great. don't use dji props they break in flight.


Draganflyer X4
Pal, Im not sure that the 8" props would work that well with so much weight, I've never tried it that heavy. I would have thought 10" Graupners would be a good choice as mentioned before, might be good to try both.

Regards, Gunter
via the Samsung
