FPV+AV and props adaptersadapters

Two more questions from the beginner.

1. I'm using T-motors and 15x5 CF t-motors props. Currently, I'm fixing props with the adapters supplied with props (round metal washer with 3 holes in a row). This is not very convenient for disassembling before transportation. Therefore, I got CW and CCW PA016 adapters. As you can see from the photo, props are too thin, and not fixed even if but is tighten to the limit.

Question: what is a standard solution? Common sense suggests to put a thick enough washer in between. But 2 surfaces of 4 are rather smooth. Should I use some lock washer, or glue between original and additional washer?
View attachment 24921 View attachment 24922

2. I'm currently using Walkera Tx5804 video transmitter, which provides rather bad quality, compared even with Walkera tx5805 (from ladybird microcopter).

Question: is Walkera - low quality stuff and should I get smth better? ( within 25mW legal limit in Europe)

3. If I want to have 2 cameras onboard, one Sony Nex for pictures/video and one tiny for piloting, should I use two separate video transmitters? I know about video switching devices, but this is not an option. I want the cameraman would still see image from his camera, while the pilot is using his 2nd camera.


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Drone Enthusiast
If you have the t-motor props, you might as well go ahead and get the quick release style adapters. They come in pairs (or sets) that include CW and CCW. They spin on and off in a snap. Worth the price just to ensure you don't break an expensive prop(s).

Something like this: http://www.dronewerx.com/hardware/

I think most 2-man operations don't worry about the 2nd video feed, because you should probably be flying line of sight anyway in this scenario.

Have fun and fly safe!


Drone Enthusiast
The mounting holes are pretty uniform for the tops of the motors (and definitely fit actual t-motors), and like Pumpkin said, they are specific to the 3-hole t-motor style prop.


Drone Enthusiast
Nope. You should be all set. One of the best purchases for these machines, especially if like me, you need to finagle your way out of the house to get the damn thing in the truck - presenting plenty of opportunities to break expensive props :)


Someone else did a review of 3 different types. It seems the gold/titanium colored ones made by god only knows are the best.


Drone Enthusiast
I never saw that - but I have the one's you're talking about from some vendor here in the states on ebay. They have worked well for me.


Ya. There is a old thread on it. The guy tested them for run out and thread engagement etc. He said he had to file the other ones under "g"
I gotta order more. I love em.


Drone Enthusiast
I need to test runout on these new ones I got from aerial pixel pros. I was ordering other stuff, so tossed them in the cart.

Ebay sellers who have these adapters in Europe are quite limited. There is one in UK, with almost 30 dollars per pair. Otherwise I have options either order it from China and pay a lot of taxes (just paid over 200 dollars VAT for Arris gimbal which original cost was 700) or wait for a long time (order 3 separate packages with free delivery, therefore value of each package is below taxable treshhold of 25 USD)

How about Tarot adapters? I'm on one week work trip to USA soon, so I could order this set to my hotel address


Drone Enthusiast
I have no experience with the Tarot - but that price is pretty amazing. Go for it and let us know how they work out.
