Alright, alright...
It was my fault! Below is my final email (regarding my Core problem). Its corrected, recording and I'm happy! (Unless I missed it, they need to update the information about required file system)
It’s been some work, (nearly 20 unsuccessful flights) but I’ve finally solved the mystery on my end. There were numerous problems, most of which I’m sure were my improper cable configuration.
The final solution:
This has to be plugged into the GPS, not PMU that the GPS is plugged into (I accidently used the wrong cable).
My Naza would typically get GPS lock, but sometimes wouldn’t, the Core never recorded flights. I never was aware until removing the Core that there was a LED indicator (nowhere mentions what the light is signaling). I’m not sure if there was any light indications when it was mounted inside the frame of the F550. Upon changing configuration (cable) I noticed two flashes, pause, two flashes…
The Core requires a file system (on the SD Card) of “FAT”, not NTFS (which I typically use).
I had tried FAT, FAT32, ExFat and NTFS previously with no luck, in hindsight the issue was the cable wasn’t connected properly.
After numerous different SD Cards (different classes, different manufactures, different formats) I’m successfully using a (Either Class 4 or 6) Sandisk 1GB MicroSD with a file system of FAT.
The only issue I still have is the NAZA GPS cable is unable to be properly secured in the Core. My current solution is using some tape to secure it to the core with a constant check before pre-flight (why it is currently mounted on top right next to the GPS). When it was in the frame, it was very hard to visually check that the cable was properly secured, and the main reason I used the wrong cable initially.
Thanks for your assistance, I’ll continue to keep an eye on the plug as I’ve tried numerous different methods to remove tension, and the current solution (while appearing to pull the cable out) actually is binding it, thus providing tension.
One last question. I showed a friend of mine (Currently in Korea as well) how fancy this device is now that I’ve got it working. My question is, what is your timetable for producing this device for different flight controllers? What information does this actually need from the Naza system? Could the end user just plug in a Naza GPS (with power) while it is attached to a different flight controller? It is my impression that the Core is figuring all the information out on its own, only using the Naza GPS for signal. I’ve currently got another multirotor (Quad with KK2.1) and looking to get a TBS Discovery with XAircraft SuperX and would love to have this on those aircraft as well. Could I possibly just branch power and GPS signal to the Core for GPS tracking?