Flying in UK Public spaces


A question about flying in UK public spaces.

I have been looking around my home and work area for somewhere is can practice with my Phantom during daylight hours.
I am a bit wary of taking to public parks and so forth as people may have concerns about with a MR flying around in places such as parks.
Thsi just leaves feilds (around here anyway) but they are all mud baths at this time of the year.

What do other UK flyers consider when looking for somewhere to fly, i don't want to rock up and just start flying without considering what general public may think and tarnish the reputation of the hobby.
Any advice out there on the most considerate way to approach this???



Sorry just realised i have not posted this question under the right thread (Doh!)
I meant to put it under general discussions, if i knew how to shift it i would.......


Sorry just realised i have not posted this question under the right thread (Doh!)
I meant to put it under general discussions, if i knew how to shift it i would.......

The BMFA quote this from CAA regulations:
(1) The person in charge of a small unmanned surveillance aircraft must not fly the aircraft in any of the circumstances described ........

(a) over or within 150 metres of any congested area;
(b) over or within 150 metres of an organised open-air assembly of more than 1,000 persons;
(c) within 50 metres of any vessel, vehicle or structure which is not under the control of the person in charge of the aircraft; or
(d) subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), within 50 metres of any person.
(3) Subject to paragraph (4), during take-off or landing, a small unmanned surveillance aircraft must not be flown within 30 metres of any person.

I was going to ask a similar question as here in Hertfordshire, places to fly appear to be limited so I'd be interested to know where people fly in the UK.
Apart from recognised R/C clubs, is there a list of places where you can fly and if not, can we make one?


Yup tricky isn't it, i want to be safe and responsible and ceratinly do not want to stomp uninvited over other peoples land.
But at the moment i only have very muddy plouged fields to work in.
There is a cricket club not far from my house which is not doing much until the summer, i think i will ask if they will let me fly there if i promise not to stamp all over the wicket.
Just look into flying at a huge park near my workplace but byelaw 37 clearly states "no powered model aviation allowed" despite acres of space with no people in, Damn!!!


I usually fly in my local park? the wardens know me here, and as long as you are responsible and insured there usually isn`t a problem as long as you have the landowners permission.. Failing that you could join a local rc club?


Drone Enthusiast
Its always a tricky one. I have various permissions to fly in a number of locations in the UK. The local bye Laws are something to be aware of. Even if you join a RC club though you will almost certainly be pushed in to the held corner!

A Phantom aint like flying a 7KG machine. If you have a local grassy area/ recreational ground I doubt you will be apprehended and slammed in the clink over night. Just fly safe and if you see a load of kids heading your way land and move on.

I think I would approach a local RC flying club and ask them what their thoughts are on MR RC craft.

I have obtained load of permissions buy just rocking up and asking a farmer if I can take pictures of his " lettuce , wheat field, leak planting, flowering potato plants, sheep etc etc and others like canal boats marinas, Golf courses, fishing ponds" I dont think I have ever been refused when I show them pictures I could get them and when I give um a few the ongoing permissions are granted..



If you can't find any flying spots. Pop down to hackney marsh London It's near the Olympic stadium. Big *** field with free parking changing rooms and toilets on site. That's my major flying site now.

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I'm quite lucky as there is a large 150 acre field that council let power kiters and rc flyers use, providing common sense and respect is always adhered to. Mind you I shall very carefull when down there as irs on the edge of a rough estate.


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This time last year when I was new to the hobby and ignorant to the law I thought I'd take my F450 down to film the floods and then upload the video to show my friends. A couple of days later the boys in blue turn up at my house and inform me that I'd been reported by a YouTube user for breaking CAA regulations! WTF! I don't even know there were any regulations?! It turns out the the place I was flying was to close to the road (~30-40 meters) and too close to a building, even though the building hadn't been occupied for years it was still illegal. It was a revelation to me that I couldn't even take off in my own garden. Since then I've been extra cautious and flown sensibly and within the law, lesson learnt.



I fly it on local fields. The beauty of a quad etc is you dont need a runway, so i often pull over on the side of a quiet road and fly. once your in the air your in no mans land and can pretty much fly anywhere. Most people are fascinated and want more information, and the occasional Dad pretending he isn't bothered! haha.
I have even had police, pull over and are fascinated. Maybe just the right cop?!

Plenty of places to fly, just use your imagination.


This time last year when I was new to the hobby and ignorant to the law I thought I'd take my F450 down to film the floods and then upload the video to show my friends. A couple of days later the boys in blue turn up at my house and inform me that I'd been reported by a YouTube user for breaking CAA regulations! WTF! I don't even know there were any regulations?! It turns out the the place I was flying was to close to the road (~30-40 meters) and too close to a building, even though the building hadn't been occupied for years it was still illegal. It was a revelation to me that I couldn't even take off in my own garden. Since then I've been extra cautious and flown sensibly and within the law, lesson learnt.

Is this for real, police find your house for a YouTube video?

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Is this for real, police find your house for a YouTube video?

I couldn't believe it either as I obviously wasn't using my real name, hadn't set my address details etc. Took a while to work out but there was enough information in my other non flying videos to piece together who I was, such as my car registration. My first reaction was haven't they got anything better to do (Isn't that always everybody's first reaction! :)), second reaction was shock that some YouTube user had 'shopped' me when there are plenty of other people flying far more recklessly than me and getting away with it :( Guess I'm just unlucky but I think I brought it on myself due to lack of knowledge of the law.


Nice to know. Ill have to fully view what ever I upload from today. Cheers

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Is this for real, police find your house for a YouTube video?

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This must be a rare case? I know of a flying field near me which is signposted as a flying field for model aircraft with an industrial estate one side followed by a housing estate and a main A road running behind it!! You dont have to be a member and you dont need insurance to fly there... Basically there are no rules just common sense when flying there. As for other areas if there are no bylaws against flying kites and models such as there are near airports or sensitive areas, town centres etc, and you are not doing it for monetary gain? there is very little to stop you.. Assuming it is basically a lightweight toy not a great big camera ship, The most that could be done is disturbing the peace perhaps ? This is what I have been told by several members of the police and ex-police
Fly safely and use common sense..
