Flying F450 in the cold is not a good.... Crash! :(


well i poped out for a 20min fly with my naza n f450 today in the cold... and i dont think it was a good thing to do :(
14mins in the air all good then from no where the f450 drops out the sky. i run over to have a look whats gone
bad... and two my amazement one of the arms had snaped in mid-air :( is this normal with F450 frames ?

i am well guttered :(

View attachment 2719View attachment 2720

has anyone had any probs like this ? and is there anyone in the uk selling parts for the f450...

thanks carl.


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Active Member
well i poped out for a 20min fly with my naza n f450 today in the cold... and i dont think it was a good thing to do :(
14mins in the air all good then from no where the f450 drops out the sky. i run over to have a look whats gone
bad... and two my amazement one of the arms had snaped in mid-air :( is this normal with F450 frames ?

i am well guttered :(

View attachment 4022View attachment 4023

has anyone had any probs like this ? and is there anyone in the uk selling parts for the f450...

thanks carl.

That did not happen in the sky. that damage came from hard contact with cumula granite. I have only seen a breakage like that after a fall from about thirty feet.:upset:
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no dennyr... it happen in mid-air mate... got the video to show it. :(

saying that do you think it cud be one off the props came to bit in mid-air then ?


say how easy is it to snap a prop in flight. and wud i see it come to bits in the air cos i didnt see anything come off

it was arond -1 maybe dennyr rite... i was at around 20feet up when it drop from the sky lol

Dam cheap props... i guess there is a lesson to be learnt ear.
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Probably was a Prop breaking, that would create a lot of force. I have the Naza on a Miniature Aircraft RotorX-404 Quad and use oem APC props. They are like $2.50 and 6.50 for the pusher, but strong and not likely to break.

Good Luck!


yup... you and dennyr are rite a prop wud break way befor the f450 arm. and i had some graupner props sat ear as well and
didnt put them on :( wat a noob lol cud of save me f450...

oh well back to quadcopters uk for a new f450 lol


Merlin of Multirotors
I regularly fly my F450 in temps down to around 20 degrees F (-5 C) and haven't had anything break. Then again I haven't crashed it in the cold and I use Graupner props which aren't likely to break in flight regardless of temperature. It has been my experience that the majority of made in China plastic props are suitable for stirring paint and thats about it, the only ones I'll use are the Gaui props on my small aerobatic quads and I've had those throw a blade in flight a couple times so they're not so great either.

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Drone Enthusiast
well i poped out for a 20min fly with my naza n f450 today in the cold... and i dont think it was a good thing to do :(
14mins in the air all good then from no where the f450 drops out the sky. i run over to have a look whats gone
bad... and two my amazement one of the arms had snaped in mid-air :( is this normal with F450 frames ?

i am well guttered :(

View attachment 4022View attachment 4023

has anyone had any probs like this ? and is there anyone in the uk selling parts for the f450...

thanks carl.

Eh Up Carl.

I have flow over 30 hours this week in -32ºc and the highest temp has been -15ºc NO MITHER. Oh and I have stuffed my 450 twice hard in to hard packed snow with not even a bust prop.

I cannot see how the arm can break mid fight unless it was seriously damaged before the flight or there was a serious manufacturing defect. I bought a spare frame out here coz I was fully expecting cold fractures with the slightest impact but I have just packed them for my return flight still in the original bag...

Videos of skidoos chases, ski chasing and awesome arctic scenery to follow!



yeah i had mien fall out of the sky this afternoon, it was due to power loss nothing more nothing less. gonna take the time and retip all my stuff to the xt-60's
