Fly Sky TH9X & F550 w/ Naza V2

Hello Everyone,

Was hoping for a bit of help getting the new bird up. First specs and sorry in advance for the length...want to get details out.

Transmitter: FS-TH9X (Came with a 3DR Aero, NO:H2145538). Looked up a few manuals but the settings didn't match to easily switch to heli. Haven't been able to find a factory reset.
Receiver: D4R-II
Craft: F550
Firmware: 4.06
Assistant Software: 2.40
Main Controller: Naza V2

I've updated the firmware and begun the calibration. Motor tests checked out fine. Under the basic -> RC instructions. The control stick Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, Rudder calibration checked out fine. Unable to determine how to Control Mode Switch to map to the only 3 position switch on the TX.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Drone Enthusiast
If I'm not mistaken, the receiver you have is not going to have enough channels for what you need. Isn't it only 4? Or does it have sbus?

If it's 4, you need to get a receiver with at least 8 channels. 4 for the sticks, the rest for flight modes, gimbal control, tuning etc.

Jason S

Hey Ryan i dont know your radio but if you can monitor the switch on the tx you should be able to set-it up in the software. Is there a sub trim and travel menu you can adjust?? Thats how you do it in other transmitters


Drone Enthusiast
Apparently there is a firmware flash that can open up 8 channels via CPPM. This would take an interface I believe. Might just be easier to get an Rx with a full 16 channels (future use) for $30.

Hi guys,

**** I missed a bad! It's jumper to send 8 chs atm. 3DR setup that w/ RX.

Hey Ryan i dont know your radio but if you can monitor the switch on the tx you should be able to set-it up in the software. Is there a sub trim and travel menu you can adjust?? Thats how you do it in other transmitters


A bit lost here....monitor the switch on the TX...How does one accomplish that?


Drone Enthusiast
If it has the updated firmware and the jumper - you should be all set. I'm assuming you already have the sbus servo wire hooked up to the Naza correctly since you're getting the stick calibration done in Assistant - and Jason has hooked you up with the manual here.

Also, even though it would seem logical to use Heli models, it's easiest to setup for MRs by using an airplane model.

Once you find how to assign the sticks/switches within the radio - just assign the channel for flight mode, and double check your sticks are assigned and moving within assistant correctly. You may need to adjust your end points to have the flight mode switch land on the correct positions for the 3 modes. This is explained in the Naza manual.

You should be good to go. Let us know how it works out.



Ryan- The link above provides a step by step procedure in setting up a 9X to am NAZA M-Lite with GPS. I believe the setup procedures for both FC's are similar. You may find it helpful. I followed most of his procedural steps, but not all as to the 3 way toggle switch and a few other settings.

I have a FS TH9X(B) which you have and the M-lite FC. It takes a time to get it all figured out and working properly.

Keep us posted as to your progress.

Good luck.


CH7 maps to the U control mode switch put out by Naza Assistant and it appears the 3 position switch is mapped to ID0, ID1, and ID3. Forging ahead on manual, ATTI, Failsafe.

Thank you for the assistance thus far. Wouldn't have made it this far without you guys!
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Drone Enthusiast
Good to hear you're making progress. If the radio has a preset that was supposed to run a 3DR machine (APM), it may be easiest to start a fresh model. Sometimes finding the little inconsistencies is the hardest part :)

It's not only a preset but an entirely updated firmware by 3DR. I contacted them again regarding documentation on it....*fingers crossed*.

The crux of my current challenge is understanding Channels (1 to 16), mapping the source (CH1 to 16, P1-3, Half/Full (assume throttle), CYC1-3, PPM1-8, GV1-7), switch (GEA, TRN, SW1-9, SWA-SWC, ON) and what physical buttons these are. Of course pulling out AIL/RUD/THR/ELE as those are the sticks.

Is there a newbies guide that explains that on all radios...or is it specific to the TH9X firmware that 3DR has put onto here?
Additionally, I feel there is a knowledge gap that needs to be filled. Configuring weight for that the amount of power being feed or...?

Sorry for the silly questions. The deeper I dig, the more I feel like a 101 course is needed.


Drone Enthusiast
Sorry, so what you're saying is the radio itself has had a firmware installed that was developed specifically by 3DR????

If so, is there any way you can flash it with the stock firmware that is supposed to be on the radio? Or do you still use the 3DR craft?

Have you moved over to an airplane model yet?

The manual for the radio should still give you an idea of where you're headed. I can't imagine the new firmware is changing the basics - but who knows with 3DR? :)

You shouldn't have to worry about all the other stuff at first. Just get your sticks assigned and the flight mode channel assigned to a 3-position switch. The rest we can figure out later.


Drone Enthusiast
Good grief! Just briefly checked the manual. Forget what I said about flashing stock firmware. That radio is a nightmare! :)

You still want to make sure you're not in a Heli model I think - because the set choices would cause some trouble, as far as I can tell from the manual. Which is typical for any of these multirotors.


The 9X is not the easiest transmitter to figure out and program and I have "studied" a few of those 9X manuals.

Ryan- What you are describing seems to be a function of the 3DR firmware update. I had some problems setting up my 9X, but did not have the problems that you are experiencing.

Can you just create a new model and go through the steps of transmitter setup and switch assignment as directed through that link that I posted?

I actually have my setup configured as a Heli which probably is why I needed to reassign "Failsafe-RTL" from "Gear" to my "Throttle Hold" switch. It works for me, but there may be other (better) ways to program the transmitter.

Good luck with this. I hope that your 3DR inquiry works out.

jbrumberg - Trying your link tomorrow morning. Thanks!

Out of curiosity, if I went with another TX, which would work with the Naza fairly easily?

3DR went the extra mile on customer service and handed a few links for what they call DIY projects. Although, honestly I wish they had a full manual for the transmitter included with the aero. *Shrug* Being so new it's a challenge not understanding the transmitter that came with it. DJI said they don't help with 3rd party products, although good luck anyways! Fly sky - no response, which is a bummer. I'm going to try a local hobby shop/buddy tomorrow.

The obvious challenges above lead to the hasty draft document attached. Criticism is welcome.


  • FlySkyTH9XManualRoughDraft.txt
    5.9 KB · Views: 518
