Flight Power Pro 50 Lipo


I saw this at Tower Hobbies, and bought one to try. It should give some decent flight times. http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXAJHC The guy in the video says it can take 300 cycles and not show any loss. I was confused a bit by the statement the guy made in the video of it having a Flight Power balance plug and a Deans connector.

I called Flight Power's tech support and got an apathetic sounding young man. I wanted to know if the Flight Power balance plug was different than others out there and he said it is. Every lipo I have has the same type balance plug regardless of who makes the battery. Then he managed to squeek out that it will work on Thunder Chargers. Thats what I have, a T-6 and an AC/680. But like I said I have all kinds of lipos, and they all have the same type balance plugs.

I guess I will have to wait till I get it to find out, but this lipo looks pretty good.
