F550 Trouble


The pin side on the connectors from the esc should face to the right side side of the naza if your are looking headon into the front correct?

Leslie LP

The Naza Module has to have the side that has the M1,M2,etc facing the same side as the front. That is basically facing outward towards the Motor 1 and Motor 2 or the Red Arms.


I think that you misunderstood me. The connectors coming from the motor esc's that pulg into the front of the naza. Are the exposed pins on the connect pointing to the right side of the nzaz.?

Leslie LP

Yes (the RIGHT) the exposed side of the connectors should be on the same side as motor #1 or #6. I find using the motors as fixed points a lot easier.


Thanks, well when I connected the esc connectors I was thinking spektrum and I got them wrong. They connect like the futuba connectors 180 deg from what I had them connected. That's why it was flying real squarrely.
