I have a switch on my TX that puts the naza into failsafe... sort of a return to home failsafe. So last night I wanted to test it out.. put it into failsafe with the switch, everything works fine the quad comes back and hovers above its home spot. Before it started to decend I flipped the switch to take it out of failsafe and into gps mode so I could land it myself. The light was flashing yellow as it should, flipped the switch and it slowly flashed green as it would in gps mode but I didnt have any control over the quad. It just landed as if I didnt flip the swtich to get it out of failsafe. When I go into the controller on my computer it shows it going in and out of failsafe in every mode it just didnt do it when I was flying.
My question... Can you take the naza out of failsafe mode if you wanted to land it yourself? I was trying to go from gps mode to failsafe back to gps mode.
My question... Can you take the naza out of failsafe mode if you wanted to land it yourself? I was trying to go from gps mode to failsafe back to gps mode.