Esc's getting hot???


New Member
Hello everyone. So I built my first multirotor(mini tcopter) and my esc's get so hot within 30 seconds of hovering on 4s. Below is my build
Cobra 2300kv
RG 12A Esc V5
KK2.1.5 flight controller
5x4.5 and 6x4.5 props(props are matching when I fly. I just experiment with different sizes)
2200mah 3s and 4s batteries
Flysky tx

I can fly this thing all day on 3s with no problem. Esc's and motors are barely warm. But the minute I hook up 4s, esc gets hot real fast and I drop from the sky.
This is all new parts from rotor geeks and I got them this month. From their description and after talking with David,I should be just fine with either battery. I'm at a loss bc I have 1 3s battery and a lot of 4s batteries haha. I want to utilize my 4s rather then have them sit on a shelf or buy new gear. Any help would be awesome.

Considering this is my first post,I have learned so much from this forum and YouTube and I can't thank everyone enough. Iv had Ar Drone, Blade MQX and Hubsan X4 multirotors, so this is my first scratch build. With my setup and my pig of a battery(3s 2200mah) I can honestly say, this thing is freakishly fast and responsive. My rates are low and pid tuning is pretty conservative I guess you could say, I get about 9 min flight time when my low voltage buzzer kicks in. Any who, thanks for the space everyone.


Air Traffic Controller
At 2300 rpm' per volt (2300Kv) that extra 3.7 v by going to 4s could be causing the motors to draw more current than the 12 amps the ESC's are rated. So, 2300 x 3.7 is another 8500 rpm's possible. If you're near the 12 amps on a 3s then the extra voltage and rpm may be pulling you over that 12 amps and the ESC fails due to excessive heat. Just a thought. Putting a higher pitch prop on just exacerbates the problem. It's my recollection that 3s is more than enough for a 2300kv motor. I use a 4s on my 750 Kv motors. You could also go to a 25A ESC and probably be within limits. Have fun.
