>how do you set this up though? I have a DX6i that I want to be able to use home lock on.
OK. I should first ask what receiver you are using. It's best if you have a receiver that can do a pre-set failsafe bind, so if your radio poops on you, the MR will come home, assuming you are using the GPS.
I had a DX6i for a short period of time and flew my DJI F550 with it first before moving to a DX8 - just to get it flying before the DX8 arrived.
Anyway, I can't recall which of the DX6i switches was a 3 position.
For the flight modes, program that switch for: 0=GPS, 1=ATT and 2=MAN, or the reverse. By flipping this switch through GPS to MAN and back a number of times, you get into compass calibration.
For IOC without Course Lock, any other 2 position switch will work: 0=OFF and 1=Home Lock
For a switched failsafe, I use the GEAR switch: 0=OFF, 1=ON( active )
If you have the NAZA GPS, it is imperative you program a pre-set failsafe so if you loose radio contact, the NAZA will bring your MR home if set up properly.
Send me a PM with commercial email address and I'll send you a set up file that I have using the DX8/AR8000 and NAZA on a F550. There might be something useful in it for the DX6i switch programming.