Dual Batteries Uneven Drain

Luke Bro

I rigged up a dual battery system on my 450 quad using a Y type harness. When the Naza V2 battery alarm starts to blink I check the batteries to see how much has drained. Both batteries were draining but one quite a bit more than the other. Also I can't understand why the alarm keeps going off before they are both drained to the set level. Any advice? Thanks.


I assume you are checking the batteries by measuring voltage. If so, one of the batteries is faulty or the connection is bad.

Forget the copter. If you just connect two batteries together one will charge the other unless they have equal voltage. With the copter, this remains true unless there is something wrong. One possibility is a poor connection to one of the batteries (the one you find to have the higher voltage after flight). The other possibility is a damaged battery, likely with very high internal resistance. A final thing to check is that the current demand of the copter is not exceeding what the batteries can provide.

If both batteries appear to be fine (no puffing or swelling, not hot to the touch after flight, accept charge equally) then I would check the Y-harness and the plugs connecting the harness to each battery.

Luke Bro


Yea I'm checking the voltage right after flight. Both batteries drain properly individually. It's just when combined that the problem occurs. I'll recheck my harness and all my connections. Thanks.
