DroneEbooks.com : Ebook My First Drone

Thomas B Reed

New Member
Hello everyone!

We just started our new website www.droneebooks.com and are launching our first ebook on March 11!

We build a step-by-step guide to buying and flying your first drone full of details, tips, comparisons, pictures and extras like checklists!

You will be able to buy the ebook "My First Drone" on our website for only $10. After your payment you get instant access to the ebook and you can immediately start reading. The ebook is the ultimate guide for everyone who is looking to buy a drone, still not really convinced they need one or for the people who already bought a drone and are eager to start flying. It's the perfect ebook for everyone!

If you buy yours on our launch on March 11, you'll get the ebook for only $7 instead of $10! You also have a chance to win one of the ten refunds of the ebook so you are getting your ebook for free if you win, good luck!

If you are interested in learning more about us and our ebook, just check out our website www.droneebooks.com and our Facebook page!

Thanks and good luck with your drone!

Thomas B. Reed, DroneEbooks.com

Old Man

Active Member
Your qualifications as a builder, operator, aerial expert are?

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Thomas B Reed

New Member
Hello 'Old Man', I have owned multiple drones myself for the last couple of years, ranging from the first Phantom 1 tot the DJI Inspire 1, which is my absolute favorite! I have done months of research on various topics like buying drones, the technology behing UAV's, techniques of aerial filming etc. I bundled all the information you need to buy ánd fly a drone in one beautiful ebook. All information you need about the ebook can be found on my website www.droneebooks.com.

Thank you for your response and good luck with your drones!



Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
phantom and inspire, eh?

you might notice that the people here doing this pretty much full time never or very seldom use the word "drone", just an observation

Old Man

Active Member
I was a little "in your face" with the request for qualifications but if you hadn't already noticed this isn't a multirotor beginner's site and we don't put a lot of stock in the box to videographer in the time it takes to charge the batteries "professionals". Most that hang here can even fly without a GPS crutch, and go big while doing it.

BTW, after 40+ years in aero modeling, military UAV operations, and multirotors I have yet to have flown a "drone". A drone is fully automated from launch to the time it's shot down for target practice. Good luck with your book.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
fwiw, we are a very beginner-friendly site but we tend to be very protective of our newer members (and our older ones for that matter).....if @Thomas B Reed would like to reinforce his credentials by helping members of the site as the rest of us do every day then maybe he'll also benefit by selling a few books. but with 2 posts and only a phantom and inspire to his name, i don't think i'd recommend his book to a friend that can learn all they need by being here and asking questions as they come up.
