Drone Collides with Passenger Jet

"At this stage, debris from the drone – assuming that is what caused the damage – has not been located."

Hmm...still not concrete evidence but something definitely hit it.


Silly old fart
Something........... yes, but not a Phantom and probably not a DJI S1000.
It would need a SIGNIFICANT object to do that amount of damage to the nose cone of an aircraft

From AvHerald.com

On Jan 10th 2017 Mozambique's Civil Aviation Authority reported in a press conference in Maputo that they concluded the radome most probably failed as result of a structural failure caused by air flow pressure, contributing factors probably were a defective installation of the radome and inspection of the ribs. A foreign object damage was ruled out. The CAA added, that the radome had been purchased second hand through an American company supplying aircraft parts and components, the radome was installed on the aircraft during major maintenance in South Africa on Jun 27th 2016.


Sadly as with all these events there is mass media reporting of the original 'story', and then a few weeks/months later very quietly it turns out to be nothing to do with multirotors, but that will never get reported, and the media and public continue to believe that collisions with full scale aviation occur regularly ;)
