Aeronavics / Droidworx DroidWorx Retractable Landing Gear


Active Member
Guess as I am Lancashire flatlander and I am a spade is a spade type of guy... that sofa looks pretty much like something I saw in hamburg many years ago in a alcohol/substance haze! The rest of the night I cannot comment on! ;-)

Haha, retro yourself up a little Dave.




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Only looking at the Gopro halo I think. A few grand, but will be awsome

After all the wonderful jitter free videos the skyline produced how can you have any confidence?
I could not even live with myself selling mine, I gave it away. Why would the halo be any better?

Hi All.

I had the pleasant job of retro fitting a set of titanium retracts to a V2 SKYJIB 8 today. It should of been a doddle but as it happens it turned into a bit of a nightmare. The new retracts incorporate a smart piece of electronics which overcomes the issue of powering up with your retract switch in the wrong position. Once powered up you need to arm the system by cycling round the retract switch then they will work.

Anyway, I armed the retracts and then set the failsafe positions in the Wookong M and stored the possitions in the the Optima 9 Rx so that the retracts would come down in the event of a full RC failure... All standard stuff. However now as soon as I power up the system the retract servo moves just enough to open the geometric lock and the retracts go into free fall. With it still powered up cycle the retract switch and they then become armed and act as they should.

So I powered up again, cycled the switch, retracts armed, and stored the failsafe position again in the optima 9. Still no good. It's a puzzle.

So if anyone else has had an issue setting the failsafe position, retract servo moving or suffering from a similar issue I would grateful for any suggestions. It seems that although the failsafe works, wookong software confirms failsafe and retracts come down when the Tx is switched off, the servo moving just that bit, at initial power up is a puzzle. It seems like the Rx is just not storing the possition.


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I've been there myself, though it was with Spektrum gear so Im not sure how you do your binding with the radio gear you have ... but what I had todo was just make sure I had done my first initial RX Bind with the same amount of travel for the retracts as you do when you do your Failsafe and then it cured it.Hope this helps?
Hi All.

I had the pleasant job of retro fitting a set of titanium retracts to a V2 SKYJIB 8 today. It should of been a doddle but as it happens it turned into a bit of a nightmare. The new retracts incorporate a smart piece of electronics which overcomes the issue of powering up with your retract switch in the wrong position. Once powered up you need to arm the system by cycling round the retract switch then they will work.

Anyway, I armed the retracts and then set the failsafe positions in the Wookong M and stored the possitions in the the Optima 9 Rx so that the retracts would come down in the event of a full RC failure... All standard stuff. However now as soon as I power up the system the retract servo moves just enough to open the geometric lock and the retracts go into free fall. With it still powered up cycle the retract switch and they then become armed and act as they should.

So I powered up again, cycled the switch, retracts armed, and stored the failsafe position again in the optima 9. Still no good. It's a puzzle.

So if anyone else has had an issue setting the failsafe position, retract servo moving or suffering from a similar issue I would grateful for any suggestions. It seems that although the failsafe works, wookong software confirms failsafe and retracts come down when the Tx is switched off, the servo moving just that bit, at initial power up is a puzzle. It seems like the Rx is just not storing the possition.




New Member
So I was out flying my canon dslr around today w skyjib v2 & retracts. For some reason the retracts went up fine, but would not drop to land?????? WTH? I had a brave assistant go grap the jib from the air. Something tells me that moment in time wont make it into the marketing brochure. Okay, enough ranting.. any suggestions?


How are you powering the Retract servo?..when I install these retracts I make sure I only take the signal wire from the RX and power the servo via a good high amp bec. I think the retract mechanism rotates around the servo pinion in order to lock the legs down and also up so make sure your not driving the servo too far which can stall the servo and then over heat it/ burn it out.
