I just joined in the AP industry weeks ago.
May I ask a question here? Please give me your professional suggestions.
As we know, GH3 gives the video very sharp, and 5D is much softer.
What kind of video do you prefer?
Forget about what you read..
Video or photography is a matter of personal opinion, whats sharp to one person is different to another.
Colour correction for one person, can be seen as totally different to another.
99% of us would prob never tell the difference, if they seen a video done by a $30k or a $1k camera.
Its all in the eye of the beholder.
Ill list a few words to you that may mean something to you, or may not mean a thing.
Circle of Confusion, Moiré, DOF, Chromatic Abberation, Aliasing, Latitude, Neutral Density Filters, Vignetting, Sunny 16 Rule..
If you totally know what the above means great, if you don't, don't worry about it.
Don't buy a camera because everyone else says its a great camera, because it doesn't work that way, you need to know how you can get the best out of that camera, as most people wont even notice its problems.
GH3..Great Camera, 5D...Great camera..try and learn the basics first though.
90% of people don't even know why you are supposed to shoot at 1/50th (1/48th) shutter speed or why you need ND filters during the day.
Don't worry about how sharp a camera is, learn the basics of good video/photography, and the rest will follow.