cause for alot of entry point people, that seems like more than enough for a really long time. look at all the dji f450's there are. how many dumbasses would buy that? i went through 3 of em
The eye a photographer has versus what the real world sees is two totaly different things. that said, this thing better be cheap if they think there selling any. most people don't even expect the quality you guys get on a bad day where it's all junk. when they first get a gopro, it lights a fire. They either stick with that and live with it or they progress on. in all honesty, it's what you guys tell newbies that come in wanting a cinestar to carry a red for there first bird,,,, they need a camera too and a 450-stock 550 will only lift this POS. Now sony has theres and i think we got 2 more major players dropping in on the action cam market very soon. That will be the dimise of this product.... too little too late and layed out wrong for most of them