DJI Wookong M Toilet Bowling

Hi Guys,

Having constant issues right now with my Wookong M causing toilet bowling. I have done as the manual states, and when it was going anti clockwise have changed position slightly, bit at a time, then it appears to be ok.
However next time I then go out, it is anti clockwise, so same procedure is repeated in reverse, until it seems fine.
Went out again today, back to square one, managed 4 flights today and had it working last one, but I guess next time I'm out will have same problem.
Each time I bring it down and alter the angle of the puck, should I be powering off, or leaving power in the system when I alter it??? (I have been powering off)
Also, do you need to do a recalibration after every heading change on puck, as I was doing this initially and that wasn't helping either.
I can deal with it in flight if it's not too bad, but it's not handy for photographing for clients.


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Yes, calibrate each time. I wouldn't bother to keep moving the puck around either. Keep recalibrating until it goes away. Just offset for magnetic declination (is that still necessary?) and then recalibrate. Is your IMU straight?

Hi Guys, cheers for the replies. I have done something like 6 calibrations so far to no avail, I will try again though.
Nah it doesn't happen in the same place, that's now been 5 different locations it's happened. I honestly have no clue how it started, as everything was fine for long enough, just randomly started doing this one day about 2 weeks ago.


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Hmm, weird.

Do you wait for full GPS lock before doing the calibration?

Which MR are you flying? Anything changed with the motors (mounting angle or anything)?

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?

Always do compass calibration outside away from structures and metal stuff. It also mentions having full GPS lock, but that is not entirely necessary in my opinion, but it can't hurt.

Hope you sort it mate! :nevreness:
