Looking to see if any one have any ideas, I was flight my copter for a few minutes doing a gimbal test when I landed it to adjust the camera setting. When I stepped back to restart the copter m2 motor cranked up and totally flipped the copter.
I am puzzled only because I have been flying the copter with no problem, but for something as simple as landing it and then on start up to have such a problem ????? :dread:, is there any one out there who has had the same problem? if so what do you think would cause such a thing.
I am wondering while adjusting the camera setting if my leaning over the gps att, if that would cause to have a problem and then get its orientation out of whack?
I had one of the first s800 when I had one of there mysterious crashes, DJI replaced the frame and flight controller but the crash happened in an area where my GPS signal was right on the edge of 5 satellites I feel the crash happened right in that grey area range. Today I am wondering my leaning over the copter putting the gps signal in the range could have caused that issue?
I look forward in hearing back for your thoughts.
Here's is a vid with sound from the on board camera.
i just put the vid up so it may take a few minutes to process.
thanks Jack
I am puzzled only because I have been flying the copter with no problem, but for something as simple as landing it and then on start up to have such a problem ????? :dread:, is there any one out there who has had the same problem? if so what do you think would cause such a thing.
I am wondering while adjusting the camera setting if my leaning over the gps att, if that would cause to have a problem and then get its orientation out of whack?
I had one of the first s800 when I had one of there mysterious crashes, DJI replaced the frame and flight controller but the crash happened in an area where my GPS signal was right on the edge of 5 satellites I feel the crash happened right in that grey area range. Today I am wondering my leaning over the copter putting the gps signal in the range could have caused that issue?
I look forward in hearing back for your thoughts.
Here's is a vid with sound from the on board camera.
thanks Jack
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