DJI Service Bulletins


I know that dealers receive some service bulletins from DJI.

Do you know if it's possible for us to receive them? That would be very interesting. :dejection:

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Hi. Have you calibrated your GPS? How much weight are you carrying? What size blades/lipos you carrying? My F550 doesn't hold height if I use 8" blades with 3S. Not enough lift.


Using Tapatalk, yeah?


I did calibrate the GPS once. However, I try to do it again, I just can't to get it to the calibration mode ( I switch GPS - M mode back and fore 10 times...just wont go to calibration mode, anyone know why ? )

I am using 3S pack and try both 10" and 8" prop - Both behave almost same!

Just find it impossible to hold height - like everyone else on youtube which can put the Tx on ground and walk away....


Drone Enthusiast
hmmmm fvg007 are you absolutely sure you are in GPS mode are you getting a green flash on your LED, it can't be that you are in manual mode by accident. What are your gains on vertical ?
If you are 100% in GPS or attitude mode and your gains for vertical or not completely off than i would say the baro sensor has an issue !



Yes..I am 100% sure it is in GPS with green light confirm. Vertical gain I use VR switch from 100 - 250% . I have 10 flights so far and just no way I can hold it fix height.

I try to recalibrate but it wont go to calibration mode...any idea.


Drone Enthusiast
Althold has very little to do with the GPS unit being calibrated correctly. You can take of the GPS unit and it should hold Altitude. Check in the assistant if you don't have some receiver jitters on the throttle channel and if it really stay in the middle thus the slider stays green. If that the case I personally can't think of anything more than your barosensor it not functioning correctly.

The naza has a little hole for the intake of the atoms. pressure, could it be that you have something in front of it and the baro sensor it not getting the right pressure ?



Thanks Boriss for your reply. I did try to fly under ATTI and GPS mode - which both has same problem of holding heigh.

Since I use the Fubaba Radio, I also tried both the traditional and D-bus wiring as well - turns out same.

Under assistant - throttle channel works without any jitters just like other channels.

After watching above two of my flight video, any more ideas ? Thank you so much for all your helps...


Drone Enthusiast
I don't have my Naza with me and i have no clue were the little hole for the baro sensor is on it. But it must have on just like the IMU of the WKM. Can you see this hole and is it not block by any other component ?



I dont really see the hole but my setup is clean.

Attached the picture for your reference.View attachment 5247


  • F550.jpg
    145.1 KB · Views: 272


Drone Enthusiast
Yeah just checked some take apart fotos of the naza there seems to be no hole, they did it some other way. But there certainly is a baro sensor in there so there must be some opening that lets the outside pressure in.

Yes it is clean i don't see any issues. I would contact your reseller or DJI. I personally don't have any other explanation of what could be wrong. There are also not so many video and complaints out there were it doesnt hold altitude at all like in your case. This also directs me to the conclusion that something is wrong with the naza itself !

I can't believe it the ESCs or a motor or a prop slipping since it would wobble more and than maybe react with a descend or climb again. But it seems like its getting to info to either rise or fall.



Drone Enthusiast
Yes you are above the CG so a negative for Z axis and you are behind the CG for the X axis so also a negative. This is correct !


Drone Enthusiast
You should really bemusing s-bus though as traditional PWM all channel input. DJI FW history at least for me has shown that they put more emphasis on S-bus setups than traditional PWM setups. Happened now twice that normal PWM setups had issue with bugs in new FW and s-bus were not affected. At the same time S-bus one cable is just 4 5 6 cable less were something can go wrong.

But the positioning of the GPS again has nothing to do with the alt hold problems you have. It was stated that alt hold gets better with GPS working but I could never see a difference.

You have DJI ESCs so calibration is not necessary so this can also not be a source or error.



Thanks, I been looking everywhere if I can find what was wrong on my side. Talked to the dealer and he mentioned he sold hundreds and have not had a single bad one!

Just wanna to make sure is not something stupid I did before ship it back to him. In fact, he tested the unit before he shipped out to me!

The only different between here and dealer is our Radio system is different which I dont see any reason why...


One thing I notice, when I first setup the F550, I did pick the S-bus. For fail safe setup, (I turn Tx off ), assistant will go to Fail safe by itself.

However, when I switch to traditional wiring , I do need to set the 3 way switch fail safe position in order for system to go to fail safe mode.

Anyway, both system give me same handling problem here...


Drone Enthusiast
Also don't see a reason and you tried both s-bus and PWM and you looked in the assistant and if your throttle stick is in mid position the slider in the assistant is green etc.

The argument that 100 were sold and no problems, can be seen in this or that way :)

Don't want to call your reseller a liar but testing it personally hmmmm, doubt it !

Your build is clean and you know what you are talking about so eventually even if it a was a small mistake from your side who cares, part of the resellers job.

Also thought that there might be random power drops but i can't pin point it. Try it again tomorrow with a different lipo. Maybe setup a switch that holds your throttle at mid stick and shows you that the slider is in the middle and green. So you can be 100% sure you are in mid stick thus alt hold etc.

I have seen random behavior of both the WKM and NAZA and than rebooted a couple times and things were normal again. Had something very similar with a big Octo once were i had two options all of a sudden full throttle or close to zero throttle was real fun landing it ! This happened twice in a row. Booted it up again an hour later and it worked again.



Drone Enthusiast
Ah one more thing completely turn off, this lipo protection feature and try it like that ! Once more !
