DJI S800 - standing in the dark with 15" propellers


Drone Enthusiast
nisouck I am curious how did you mount the xoar on the S800 motors ? Do you have any pictures. Additional props mounts onto the motors (shortened the shaft ? ) or you drilled the Xoars ?

Thanks !

In general you guys should consider that the heavier the props the less friendly of a setup it will be for a WKM setup when it come to big birds. But i guess with the Z15 flight performance it not that important anymore.



Oh I don't say I mount Xoar on the S800 .......
I say - first - don't mount APC! But as he want to mount some standard propellers .....

The XOAR are mounted onto my hexa. Don't yet received my S800. :-{


Active Member
Just a quick update:

I got a deal from this guy:

Apparently it's original replacement props....Price is € 79,00 for a pair (one left, one right), and since I ordered as a company I payed without tax. The only drawback is shipment only with UPS, which was a bit steep...but for the moment I can live with that.
I got the last 2 set's today, but he will get more beginning next week. He is nice to deal with...emails answered after a couple of minutes...he even changed someting on his web-shop in order to make it possible to pay without VAT.


Drone Enthusiast
ah okay got you !

since i don't consider it that easy to mount standard props to the OEM DJI motors. Certainly doable but either you have to cut the shaft to get some standard props mounts on or you have to start drilling the props which again balance wise is a b...h.

good to know that digitech has them !



Active Member
Thanks for the link.....maybe the shop is not owend by a bank...maybe it is a bank.

This reminds me of a guy from Greece I once met who owns a little shop in Swisserland...he had a T-shirt on with the following print:

I don't need sex anymore...
The government is fu##ing me every day...


i did not reply to your post in order to invite sarcasm!
You are complaining that DJI props are far too expensive as well as all other suggestions to your post.
You would rather spent the money on drinks rarher that make China- man rich. I agree with you.
However, i am a customer of Nem hobbys for many years and up to now i have no complains with their products.
As far as i know, apart from being one of the biggest retail shop in Athens, they also trade their own brand manufactured in China and Korea.
They do not say that the props are DJI (even the pitch is different).
I do not know if these props are worst or same to the DJI but i thought it is worth invastigating.
You only have to spent 30 euros for a pair to find out whetherer they are worth it, instead of thinking to change the prop adaptor in order to use a chipo apc or other!


Active Member

Sorry that you got the wrong impression from my reply, and I really appreciate your recommendation and I understand that you are upset....but this sarcastic statements are just a thing between Digitech and me we do from time to time and has nothing to to with your post. It was just related to our frustration with what's going on in Europe and what happens with our tax money.

I hope you can accept my appologies. I really didn't want to upset you...


I purchase sets as backup:

here are the side by side:
View attachment 5256View attachment 5257

have not had a chance to use them yet. You may want to get some arms too.. My S800 was hovering about 2 ft off the ground.. and turned toward China and tried to dig down in the ground.. 2 arms went, only 1 blade was messed up. Not sure how 1 arm broke off with a good blade still on it, but it did.

I have order several arms now. and ESC too. I may end up slowly picking up a motor here or there soon.

Good luck...enjoy!



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Active Member
Thank you for the link, I'll have a look at them. They have a rather interesting shape. Would like to hear from you how they preform.... but in the meantime I stick with the originals from Digitech: . I just like the service from Digitech and how fast I get my stuff, and by the time I get the Foxtech blades from HongKong I could crash the S800 over and over again... :nevreness:
But in the meantime I do not fly this S800 until the problems are sorted out....




Sorry that you got the wrong impression from my reply, and I really appreciate your recommendation and I understand that you are upset....but this sarcastic statements are just a thing between Digitech and me we do from time to time and has nothing to to with your post. It was just related to our frustration with what's going on in Europe and what happens with our tax money.

I hope you can accept my appologies. I really didn't want to upset you...


same from me to : apologies.
but sometimes a bit of humor solves many issues.
as for the props maybe someone can test them , but the shape tels me they are not made for high rpm,s.


Chris and Digitech
There is no need to apologise at all ,as i did not consider your comments directed personnaly to myself .I have no connection with Nem except that i am a customer of theirs as i am a customer of Digitech as well(in fact i am expecting my last order next week). I am upset only with the whole sitatuation around DJI and all the problems we have with the esc's, plugs, wookong have invested in four wookongs and two s800 and all four frames are sitting on display as i am not prepared to fly until all technical and firmware issues are solved.I would like to make clear that i am not a professional but use them just for the hobby and my enjoyment.
Now as to the actual discussion concerning the props i would like to add that the link i posted directed to one kind of prop, but in the same page of Nem you will notice that they have also props exactly the same shape as the DJI for 29,99euros.
I have allready purchased from Digitech DJI props, but i am willing to give a try on these because the price diffrence is huge.i am not naive to believe in the golden egg but who is to tell me who is the manufacturer of the DJI props. Of course ,DJi beeing a big Chinese company will have high quality standards concerning the materials and production, however, is the cost of 79 euros for these props justified?? epsecially if you see that they are not even straight.
Anyway enough on this matter. Once s800 and wookong issues are resolved i will try these props on one of my s800 and i wll let you know.It does not harm to try alternatives from the monopolies of DJI and the likes as i am sure that they charge us for their products with huge profit margins for themselves and up to now their products and support have been quite dissapointing.
It was nice talking to both of you
P.S I agree with Digitech as now a days we need a lot of humor!
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Active Member
+++1 on your reply. I am sitting in the same boat with you....Watching the bird catching dust is not funny, even for a hobby guy like myself. My main concern is not so much the fear of loosing money (althougt it always hurts big time...), but I am really afraid of hurting someone severly. This things are far away from harmless and I like to take my kid with me if I go flying...but no ways until the "desaster" is solved. Now people are even trying to downgrade their firmware in order to get at least some flight stange is that....? I just feel sorry for the dealers and distributors of this product since in a lot of cases they have to take a beating for something which is not their fault. Anyways...the sun will shine again some day...

All the best to you



as a big constructor of UAV,s we have builded more then 100 Ready to fly in the last 1,5 years with both MK and DJI the last few months.
all the major problems we see , have not been the case with us, and i dont mean we dont see them!
MK also has issues.
we sold thousands of dji systems with a less then 1% of failure rating , 99% is customer related.
even with all the postings , its still only a small margin.
we are actualy very carefull when it comes to upgrades or software changes.
for any product in that matter.
as with lots of software there will always be a bug of somekind.
infact i have suggested to DJI to select a 20 or so betatesters to first evaluate all firmwares before releasing them to the endusers.
we have experiance with lots of difference motors, es,s and frames and in all sorts of combinations.
with betatesters we can rule out any huge problem before something terrible happens with endusers crashing their expensive air crafts.

we also have a flight school and the thing we learn them first is how to handle the xcraft , importance of balance the aircraft.
batterys to use. balancing of props.
most important we learn them to fly WITHOUT any gadget like failsafe , hover , and come home.
most important is to keep visual sight and fly the copter from hand.
after their flying lessons they can decide to use the gadgets yes or no.
90% of professional filmers do not use any gadget to film , they all control it manual (atti active).\

as for DJI:

believe me they DO care about any mishaps as it is a failure to make something that does not work good.
do they need to improve some things? yes if you dont improve all the time the products goes out of sight.
at the time the esc trouble came DJI did their best to make new ESC and ship them out at a amazing time to the dealers. that actualy gave also free service to their customers.
our and their first concerns was helping the customers first and talk about labour costs later.
i call that a amazing service from a Chinese company.
i have met many of the staff of DJI in germany , and they are very proud in their work what they do.
and they are now more then ever open for suggestions , even from a different point of vieuw.
their CEO has studied in germany , and he speaks german fluently.
all in all we fly many DJI systems in 4-6-8 rotors combinations from cheap motors to most expensive ones.
if you buy a quality controller make sure you get also a quality ESC , MOTOR , Frame and matching props!.

as for prices for parts i cant be the judge of that.
i dont see anyone complaing about the expensive XOAR props , i tested many of them and i dont feel any improvement over other carbon props or even apc,s.
for example i tested a 13x6.5 from xoar and a aerobot 13x6,5 both carbon.
the xoar had higher rpm.s and different blade shapes.
for me it was clear the the 13x6.5 is different with many prop designers.
that is why the prop you suggest looks more a slow rpm prop.

i still fly one of the first S800 no changes done in esc , still using the older software.
and logged over 40 hours with this aircraft.
my MC is also the old type MC with the different values comming out .
but i do know also my luck will eventualy may run out.

lets hope we land as much as we take off and keep this number equal!


Active Member
...this thread is gonna get interesting now....

This is the kind of information what should come out more often....the main frustration people are having with all their little and big problems with the DJI stuff is that they feel like being left alone. Lots of guesswork, rumors, trial and error and so on lead in many cases to just shake your head and toss the stuff into a corner or use it as a paper weight. I am absolutely confident that they work their a## off to sort problems out, but in my eyes the biggest problem is the non existing communication flow in both directions. If people know what's going on, what happens behind the scene and what actions are taken to tackle a certain problem (like the new firmware) you will have a complete different reaction from users towards DJI. Why is it so difficult for DJI to have a service section on their web page, technical instructions, announcements and so on. Look at the problems with Photohigher RSGS ( and Picloc 3 ( Pages on the Piclock thread alone, but opposite of the users there is somebody from these companies RESPONDING to their problems, even if they have a tough time to sort it out....that's why only a few are jumping off. It might me a cultural thing between China and the rest of the world, but they have to change someting in their communication behavior or people will really turn their back on DJI...or any other company which does not understand the importance of communication to the customer.

That what you have written should be done by DJI themselves or anyone they appoint, with a lot of hands-on experience and a high availability on the forum or even on their website....but not somebody like Sidney on RCG.

I really apreciate the time you took to write your sight of things...



i appreciate very much your reply and i have no comments but praise for Digitech and the service to customers they provide.
i am very sure that they do their best to correct issues and that they are very proud of what they have achieved and they should be because their products are very good
( eitherwise i would not have invested in four wookong and two s800) but as Chris says the real issue is the lack of communication with the end users.They rarely
reply to emails directed to them and their internet site is inadequet in relation to SUPPORT that does not work and complete lack of announcements concerning present issues
and developments.Maybe they are not worst or better that other manufacturers in this field but i think if they expect people to spent serious money in their products they should
look more seriosly in their customer service and after sale support.
i did not suggested that only DJI props are expensive.Since you mentioned XOAR yes they are equally expensive ( please note that on my two non s800 frames i have only Xoar
props ,wooden, CF and the swords) but that was my choice. With standard prop fixing end users have the choice to use whatever props they want and how much to spent.
in the final analysis you get what you pay.
With the s800 you do not have this choice because of the specific fixing so it is not bad thing maybe to have some alternatives!!
P.S Nem hobbies are advertising two props, one which is slow flyer and another which is same desigh as DJI


HI Guys

I have just ordered some Dji copies from a chinese supplier, they should be here round the end of the month, and should be able to sell a pair for +-$50.

i have ordered a full set of six so will let you know how they go on a s800.....

