DJI prepares for WKM II with Naza GPS upgrade.


How is that going to cripple the WKM series? Do you think the Naza with GPS upgrade will be better? Will it cost less to buy the Naza and upgrade to GPS? I think most owners of the Naza want GPS, but didn't want to shell out so much for the WKM. Now they have an option to upgrade if they want more.


Merlin of Multirotors
At most I think the Naza will have position hold and RTH, nothing more than that. If you want the waypoint capability with a ground station and any other advanced GPS abilities you will need to move up to the full featured WKM system.

Sidney also didn't mention the cost, I'm guessing it won't be a cheap upgrade, potentially as much as the base Naza cost to begin with if not more.


Tahoe Ed

Active Member
I would like to see IOC as much or more than RTH. I think it would be more practical for most flyers. It will be interesting to see what the pricing actually is. The GPS option for the WKH Lite is $700 with a $550 controller. No RTH, no IOC, no nothing other than the ability to hover in one spot. I wonder if the GPS will fix the problem in the southern hemisphere? Lots of questions, not many answers.


I heard that WKM software is totally different from Naza - stability wise.

Having flown both on the same FlameWhee450 I must say WKM is much better in atti mode.

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
I have not noticed that difference. I fly my Naza for FPV in ATTI mode. It is a life saver for a FPV Noob like me. I have the WKM as well and the difference is negligible in my opinion. There are differences in the processors between the Naza and the WKM. You can see that when you press write in Assistant. The Naza is significantly slower.


Merlin of Multirotors
The only real difference that I've seen is the WKM will hold altitude better than the Naza in FFF, otherwise they perform much the same. I've flown two different frames, a quad and a hex, each using the same WKM and Naza and the actual flight performance difference was very tiny other than the Naza lacking GPS.

I have an F450 with Naza that I use for limited range FPV mainly due to the 100 mW video TX on it. With the GPS upgrade, especially if it has RTH (don't care if it autolands as long as it comes to back home), I plan to upgrade to a more powerful video TX and go for a longer range. If it loses the signal from the TX in my hands I would expect it to start flying back to where it started from, if it can do that then I'll sell my second WKM in favor of another Naza or two.

For full GPS features and functionality I have 3 MK stacks with full GPS/Navi and the WKM on my Cinestar, I don't need all the bells and whistles on the lower end, position hold and RTH for a reasonable cost works for me. On the other hand, I'm not going to spend an additional $300 or more per Naza just to get those two features, not when the Rabbit board is available with GPS for under $200.



Active Member
I have to say that my naza is about the same as WKM but it is lighter so I tend to use it more. I only film in good weather and not much wind so i find the position hold is good enough for most jobs. Low weight and high endurance is what I aim for.


hopefully they can address the fff gyro angle reset bug in the newer code.
its annoying to have to fight it so much at times when it just keeps wanting to go in the direction it was going....


Drone Enthusiast
Is this proof of DJI's business plan or what? Dont fix the existing products, sell new ones. I think they model after Apple. but Apple makes awesome products to begin with that dont need a lot of work and they fix what is their fault. Next they will get rid of the USB port and make a proprietary computer to download firmware from.


From the hints that Sydney has dropped, it appears there will be a change coming, but only for the WKM, that addresses the gimbal output shortcomings, mainly the slow 50-100Hz gimbal output PWM rate and the 90-degree travel limit, but no word on whether they also will fix the GPS-based wander/drift problem. My guess is that unless they plan on doing a hardware change in either the GPS module or the IMU, that won't happen, so we still end up with an unusable gimbal control solution.

What is even crazier is that they won't make these same gimbal rate and travel changes to the Naza, just the WKM, so again, no usable DJI-only - based solution for gimbal control.

-- Gary

Have you tried out the rabbit board? I just googled it - just curious as to how well it works.

Benjamin Rowland

The only real difference that I've seen is the WKM will hold altitude better than the Naza in FFF, otherwise they perform much the same. I've flown two different frames, a quad and a hex, each using the same WKM and Naza and the actual flight performance difference was very tiny other than the Naza lacking GPS.

I have an F450 with Naza that I use for limited range FPV mainly due to the 100 mW video TX on it. With the GPS upgrade, especially if it has RTH (don't care if it autolands as long as it comes to back home), I plan to upgrade to a more powerful video TX and go for a longer range. If it loses the signal from the TX in my hands I would expect it to start flying back to where it started from, if it can do that then I'll sell my second WKM in favor of another Naza or two.

For full GPS features and functionality I have 3 MK stacks with full GPS/Navi and the WKM on my Cinestar, I don't need all the bells and whistles on the lower end, position hold and RTH for a reasonable cost works for me. On the other hand, I'm not going to spend an additional $300 or more per Naza just to get those two features, not when the Rabbit board is available with GPS for under $200.



Merlin of Multirotors
Have you tried out the rabbit board? I just googled it - just curious as to how well it works.

Benjamin Rowland

No, I haven't tried it and I won't because of this...

"a Flight Controller by the tradename 'Rabbit' is being sold at ebay (by an individual going by the name 'vocanlo') and at Goodluckbuy. This product is being sold bundled with onboard firmware (in binary form only) which contains stolen code from the GPL MultiWii"

Beyond that I currently have two other multiwii variations on hand and I'm not terribly impressed by either one. They work OK, they're cheap, and I find them a huge PITA to tune the settings, more than an MK even!



i have a rabbit with gps on the way, a cirrus multiwii se on the way, as well as a bumblebee naza clone.
i kinda like what ive seen from the mutliwii as the naza gyro FFF level reset issue is quite annoying when it happens.
