On my three position switch there's off,courses lock,poi. I would fly to en object and just move the switch to poi there's no toggling between switch position. Is this right.
I still can't get it.
I couldn't get mine to work in the "off course lock POI" setting. I changed to "off POI Home Lock" and it works perfectly. Here's my test video from this morning. Sorry, I didn't have any really interesting points of interest!
Bill Davenport
AMA 28141
Here is what has worked for me.
You have to be in GPS mode at all times. This will not function in Attit. and Manual modes.
- Set the POI by toggling between Course Lock and POI 4 to 6 times, I always end the switching in course lock. The LED will flash a series of quick green flashes that look like the flashes when the “Home point” is set.
- Fly away from the POI in Couse Lock or OFF.
- I hover for a moment and switch IOC to “Off” wait a second or 2 then switch directly to “POI”. The multi pivots the nose to POI and will maintain that focus until you go back to Course Lock.