DJI Naza M Lite Setup Confusion / Problems


The sticks are correctly setup and everything seems fine. But now when I go to arm it..the motors don't start. I'm using Turnigy 30a ESC with black, white, and red cable in them. I know they work with my motors. The beeps I am hearing from them are telling me that there is the throttle signal is abnormal. I can't seem to figure out how to calibrate them when plugged into the Naza. But I have calibrated them manually previously.

I will guess the model type is not correctly chosen in the NAZA assistant, the control cables are not connected to the NAZA, are connected upside down, or the prior manual calibration was not done correctly.


Vireaux, I have around 8 Naza Lite's installed in different multirotors. At first it can seem confusing, but the Naza Lite, is about the easiest to setup MC out there, although a Naze will fly right out of the box usually. I'd suggest LOT's of reading, and tinkering, and back and forth. It will become more clear to you, just what's going on, the more you read, and try things. You also may want to invest in a better radio, with more channels, like a DX8 or similar, for down the road, when you want to be able to switch between flight modes. I started with a DX7s, then bought a DX8, just for that one extra channel. One of my Naza Lites is in a F450, with an Orange 9 channel receiver. I mounted a servo on the bottom, controlled by one of the switches on the radio, and I can, (COULD) carry, and drop a payload, with the flip of that switch! You'll get it figured out in time, lot's of good info on this and other sites.
Oh wow I'm getting mad at my one and I can't even imagine having 8 to deal with. But yeah I have been researching intensively for the past week, reading manuals, watching every video out there, reading forums, and even now I'm here trying to get information from others about my situation. I am planning on getting something with more channels soon, but for right now I wanted to just get it working with the DX5E and I have seen it done before. My current stage in the process right now is that when I start up the hexacopter my Naza LED blinks a slow yellow (maybe 1 second inbetween blinks). Manual tells me this means its in ATTI. Mode, which is the mode I want it to be in, so I achieved that. When I go to arm the Naza though it doesn't seem to arm. The LED just blinks 2 yellow lights quickly whenever I move the sticks around.


I will guess the model type is not correctly chosen in the NAZA assistant, the control cables are not connected to the NAZA, are connected upside down, or the prior manual calibration was not done correctly.
So I double checked the model type and did another manual calibration of every ESC, everything worked smoothly. The control cables I tried switching around but no luck. I have switched them back and still all I get are slow yellow blinks and when I move a stick (besides the throttle) the LED quickly flashes yellow twice.


So I double checked the model type and did another manual calibration of every ESC, everything worked smoothly. The control cables I tried switching around but no luck. I have switched them back and still all I get are slow yellow blinks and when I move a stick (besides the throttle) the LED quickly flashes yellow twice.

Slow yellow LED means ATTI mode. Double flash when you move the sticks is normal. The NAZA seems to be fine. If you can't arm the motors something is up with the connection to the NAZA, ESCs, motors, power, etc.

Check out the discussion in the NAZA/450 group build thread. There is a ton of information there and some of it might help.


Slow yellow LED means ATTI mode. Double flash when you move the sticks is normal. The NAZA seems to be fine. If you can't arm the motors something is up with the connection to the NAZA, ESCs, motors, power, etc.

Check out the discussion in the NAZA/450 group build thread. There is a ton of information there and some of it might help.

I have read around on different sites and people talk about it being necessary to remove the red wire from the ESC connector. Do you have any knowledge about this? I have also have been getting crazy fast beeping from my motors which tells me the throttle isn't in the lowest position. I put the throttle all the way down and my motors still beep crazily.


I think there is some issue with the calibration of my Turnigy 30a ESC's, but I'm not sure because I have redone the calibration manually for them multiple times. I think I need to calibrate them through the Naza board, but I can't figure out how too.


You can't calibrate through the NAZA.

Is your throttle reversed? In the NAZA assistant the bar should be at the left with throttle down and at the right with throttle up. Double check that the ESC control cables are plugged into the NAZA with the ground wire (brown or black) at the top.

You don't need or want to remove the red wire from the ESC connection. Leave that as it is.


You can't calibrate through the NAZA.

Is your throttle reversed? In the NAZA assistant the bar should be at the left with throttle down and at the right with throttle up. Double check that the ESC control cables are plugged into the NAZA with the ground wire (brown or black) at the top.

You don't need or want to remove the red wire from the ESC connection. Leave that as it is.

The throttle goes to the left when I move it down. The throttle goes to the right when I move it up. Everything else responses fine. When I move stick left, screen moves left and so on. Black wire for ESC is facing up and the brown wire for the rc is facing up.

I calibrated again each ESC manually and they are still beeping every like 0.25 seconds. Meaning that the Throttle isn't all the way down. But the throttle is all the way down at -1000. So I don't understand why its doing this.


You can't calibrate through the NAZA.

Is your throttle reversed? In the NAZA assistant the bar should be at the left with throttle down and at the right with throttle up. Double check that the ESC control cables are plugged into the NAZA with the ground wire (brown or black) at the top.

You don't need or want to remove the red wire from the ESC connection. Leave that as it is.

This problem has been solved and the drone should taking its first flight later tonight! I want to thank all you that helped. A big thank you to econfly though, you rock man. Helping answer all my questions was awesome, really appreciated. I can post a video or photos of it flying tomorrow maybe if anyone wants to see it.

carlos casas

New Member
Hey guys I recently purchased a Naza M Lite with GPS from DJI and have been trying to get it to work with my hexacopter build. (Im upgrading from a KK2 board to this Naza m lite.) So far I have only been able to plug my naza into the computer and everything's seems to function normal. My Dx5e transmitter and receiver also are binded correctly and seem to be working with the Naza. I went through the Naza's calibration process and everything passed easy. The problem I am having is that the Naza's LED is flashing yellow very quickly and I can't get the Naza out of failsafe mode. I have read some other forums about possible problems with Turnigy Plush 30a ESC's, which I am using currently. I also read that the yellow flashing light means there is some type of connection problem with remote and naza. There doesn't seem to be one considering I can calibrate everything fine, but could be sometihng else. I'm also using a 3S LiPO 5000 Mah Battery if thats important. So if anyone could tell me how to get the Naza out of failsafe mode and into like Allti. mode would be amazing. Also how to get this yellow light to stop blinking that would also be awesome.

Happy to answer any questions and provide pictures if necessary. ~Thanks

Hello , I just upgrade my quad from CC3D to naza m lite with all toys, but I cannot comunicate my naza m lite with the assistant , no green lights at all.what to do I will appreciate your help in this matter.
thank you
