DJI naza howing problems


Dirty Little Hucker
Hi guys,

I just install the naza on a new frame and when i am flying i have an unstable hovering, like the video below:

Can someone please help me out. This was working fine for the 1 year almost. Was on an F450 Flamewheel and now on a X450 Alien.


First thing I would say, Get some altitude on that first. I am pretty sure it will not hover or do too much a foot or two above the ground (prop wash), also make sure you put black tape on both sides of the naza, looks like the sun hits it as soon as it gets above the wall height.


@ Deanot - I will try this afternoon apply some tape on the sides of the Naza Controller and let you know about it.

@ Hartz - Gains are

130 Basic
130 Attit
150 Yaw
140 Vertical

I used to fly with these settings for almost 1 year. Now i changed the frame and it is doing that weird thing.

thanks guys will let you know.


The yaw and vertical look quite high to me compared to the other gains that you have. Have a look at the examples in the new Naza manual, 2nd last page of this document and try tweaking your settings.

Those settings might have worked for you in the past but with a new frame comes different weight/balance. Try notching your vertical gain down 10 at a time until you reach 100 and see if that helps.


Hi did the tape, lowered the gain, checked the connection between esc and motors etc.. nothing i still have the same problem..


Hmm :apathy: are you using the same props that you have always used?

And like deanot suggested, if you give it some height how does it hover then?


Hmm :apathy: are you using the same props that you have always used?

And like deanot suggested, if you give it some height how does it hover then?

Regards the height yes i went up nearly 1 floor up.

Yes i am using Graupner E-Prop 10x5 and these are the same as before...i am really out of last thing could be that the HJ arms are too flexible and causing the quad to play around going up and down?

I calibrated again the GPS positioning, the Compass, Checked again the distribution board maybe there was a cable coming out, but nothing. I re solder the bullets connector from the motors to esc's all four. (thought maybe there is a dry joint somewhere.) I re balanced the props and motors with a vibrometer on the mobile arm by arm.

I am really the quad was working flawless with the F450 frame.

Thanks guys.
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I have just put E-Prop 10x5's on my quad and I am noticing that it wobbles on descent, even changing the gains do not resolve. I believe that I might be over-propped for the weight. If your new frame is lighter than the F450 then you might be experiencing the same issue.

If only just to test, try different props. Something smaller or with less pitch.

I am running out of ideas also. I guess it's just a matter of trying anything you haven't already.


I have just put E-Prop 10x5's on my quad and I am noticing that it wobbles on descent, even changing the gains do not resolve. I believe that I might be over-propped for the weight. If your new frame is lighter than the F450 then you might be experiencing the same issue.

If only just to test, try different props. Something smaller or with less pitch.

I am running out of ideas also. I guess it's just a matter of trying anything you haven't already.

Should i try changing the arms with the one i had before? as these look more flexible...will try this eveing again and let you know. If not i will have to disassemble everything and put everything together again.

now i am thinking...if the frame (HJ x-450 Alien) is wobbly flexible, will the naza work fine too?



Try different props first if you have some handy, then arms. How flexible are they? I couldn't imagine that they would be flexible enough to be a problem. I am not experienced enough on different frames to give comment.

Can I ask why you switched frames in the first place?


Hi, i am using 3s....i found what was the was vibration,the arms that came with the kit were too flexible so when i apply more than 60% throttle the arm was flexing and causing vibration. Now i changed the arms with better rigid ones and flew for a whole battery pack... thx guys for your help...
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Your props appear to be mounted abnormally high above each motor according to photo 1.

ISeisomometer for IPhone provides vibration date in 3 dimensions, i.e., x,y,z.
While you can almost eliminate the two horizontal vibrations, i.e., x and y..... you cannot eliminate the up/down vibration, i.e., "z" vertical vibration unless you lower your props as close as possible to the top of each motor.
It's like the spinning top effect which will show up on your ISeisomometer app graphical output as a slow frequency imposed on the higher frequency bearing vibrations.
Newer props designed for the newer pancake style motors allow you to mount the props directly on to the motor without a prop adapter thus eliminating most if not all "Z" vertical vibration issues.

