DJI Mavic Pro Camera settings and Adjustments VIDs


I decided to do a group of videos for some adjustements and settings to your liking, hopefully this thread wil help you guys guy find something in settings that you dont know about or where it might be, if i do more ill put them in here for my refference and for you guys.

quick tip: dont forget to remove the clear gimbal bracket behind the camera, its had to miss and if accidentally left in place might burn out your motors



Mavic Pro Camera Focus test, when i was in the park i was amazed at how well it focused on the trees, when i ordered the mavic and saw some reviews i was sad that the camera quality would be worse than the phantom 4, but im actually really impressing with this little guy!!



Here is how you can adjust your gimbal speed to fast or slow, i would suggest put it to 30-40 if you want that more cinematic look, if you know where all the settings are you can easily adjust it on the spot and change it to slower or faster depending on what you are shooting.



Here is how to sep up one of the button C1 or C2 to be as automatic focus so you dont have to click on the screen all the time, Once you hit the button it focuses on whatever is at the center of the screen, if you want to focus on something else on the screen tap the screen with your finger on that object, this works better for closer up things or what not, or just center the screen on that object and click C1 or C2.... just gotta always FOCUS!!!!



If you autofocus on something, and then approach something else closer, you would have to click auto focus again, its one of those things that you just gotta do, it may kinda suck something, just gotta remember and think of it as a MANUAL camera that you have to adjust all the time. Maybe this video will help you remember haha...



here is how to upgrade Mavic firmware, there is 2 ways of doing it, one way was giving me an error, but the second way worked, anyone else was having issues with the DJI Assistant 2?



Mavic exposure settings... and will it attempt to take off folded? if you have props on and try to take off might be dangerous



trying to catch mavic with your hand is unpredictable with the bottom sensors on, sometimes it lands and most of the time it wants to fly away like a crazy man



there is a way you can up tilt the camera about 30 degrees if lets say you are flying under a bridge or next to a building and want to get a slightly upward tilt while flying. Here is how it can be turned on in settings



many of us fly indoors or tight spaces utdoors, or through tree brenches whatever, with front or down sensors on it will not allow you to take those cool shots, here is a way to turn them off if you need to, obviously do this at your own risk and if you are not afraid to get close to objects lol

