DJI GPS --is doing circles---Help??

Wow! Dji actually responded to a post on a forum? Never seen that before.

Yes, you will notice that Blade Strike and TJ Gilbert have migrated over here also. They are both DJI Shills as is Tahoe Ed.
DJI and Empire Hobby put together a Team of people which I was the first member of to help support forum questions :highly_amused:

Myself (HGT), Tahoe Ed, Blade Strike, TJ Gilbert and the lead Shill employer Sidney W. Unfortunately there was no written contract so as time went on it became obvious that you were not actually supporting the DJI product but being a Shill for the company. Every member is compensated with FREE DJI product. We were not allowed to speak of our own or anyone's issues with DJI product such as fly away's or the flip of Death. I personally experienced every issue members did with their flight controllers but was told not to discuss any of it on a public forum. I have a whole library of Fly away videos and documented issues from my own experience.

Here's just one example of the Shills at work.

The Shills lie so often, that they can't remember from one post to the next what they said.

As you can see, with over 3500 posts, as soon as I brought this to the forums attention, I was banned as DJI is one of their major sponsors and forums such as RC Groups lets the tail wag the dog.

Every Shill was sent a FREE Phantom Vision to start this thread and make the Vision look like the best thing since sliced bread. Of course the Vision was without issues but you won't see any of the Shills ever reporting this.

If you think for a minute that any of this information is made up, I have every e-mail sent between the Team up to the point that I told them where they could shove their Shill program. I spent 25 years working as a Field Engineer for a corporation finding and correcting issues. DJI hired me for my talents but as soon as I started discussing the issues I had I was told to shut up. We were even told to stop copying DJI corporate in our Team e-mails as they did not want to be bothered with what we were finding.

As a field engineer I was not only aware of what was releasing but knew how it operated at least 6 months before the public ever got their hands on product so if there were any issues I was not only aware of them I was already working on the correction. Thinking I would be able to do the same while helping DJI with support, when I asked Sidney W of DJI how we were suppose to stay abreast of new product, he told me to follow the DJI Facebook page :dejection:

If you follow any of the other forums, You will find Tahoe Ed, Blade Strike and TJ Gilbert posting under a secondary account which is against most forums rules as Empire Support 2, 3 and 4. I was Empire Support 1 if you look at some of my RC Groups posts and helpful how to videos.
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DJI maintains that compass declination is accounted for automatically...
Please excuse my linking to another forum...
Most GPS/Compass interference issues seem to be related to conditions specific to your flying site or interference from other components on your airframe...

I had a long engineer to engineer e-mail discussion with DJI regarding this. Some of it was posted to the group if TJ Gilbert would go back and look at some of my old posts to the Team.
The FC will over time (several minutes) adjust for magnetic declination if corrective stick input is initiated by the pilot. This is not something that will be stored in NVRAM so on boot-up it must correct for magnetic declination each time.

The reason for this is the craft may be taken on vacation and have traveled hundreds if not thousands of miles from the last known location so storing the last magnetic information would not be a good idea. You have heard the jokes about the Phantoms flying back home...... to China. The down side is it may go into the spiral of death if no corrective stick input is given by the pilot before it is adjusted driving the craft into the ground.

And then there is the tilt of death it will go into after doing a simple 360 degree rotation.

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Here's how my flight instructor showed me how to look at it:

visualize a compass rose. If your local declination is degrees east, your magnetic compass north is east of true north. To fly true north, subtract the declination from your magnetic heading.

If your local declination is degrees west, your magnetic compass north is west of true north. To fly true north, add the declination to your compass heading.

If you saw an FAA sectional chart, look at the compass rose printed around a navaid such as a VOR. Here's an example...

Looking at the compass rose in the lower right hand corner ( it's a pretty busy chart, but look for the Nottingham VOR), you see that magnetic north (0 degrees, marked by an arrow) is a little to the left of true north (straight up).

In that area, magnetic declination is 11 degrees west, so to fly true north, add 11 degrees to compass heading.

Very good information, Thank you.


Drone Enthusiast
Yes, you will notice that Blade Strike and TJ Gilbert have migrated over here also. They are both DJI Shills as is Tahoe Ed.
DJI and Empire Hobby put together a Team of people which I was the first member of to help support forum questions :highly_amused:

Myself (HGT), Tahoe Ed, Blade Strike, TJ Gilbert and the lead Shill employer Sidney W. Unfortunately there was no written contract so as time went on it became obvious that you were not actually supporting the DJI product but being a Shill for the company. Every member is compensated with FREE DJI product. We were not allowed to speak of our own or anyone's issues with DJI product such as fly away's or the flip of Death. I personally experienced every issue members did with their flight controllers but was told not to discuss any of it on a public forum. I have a whole library of Fly away videos and documented issues from my own experience.

Here's just one example of the Shills at work.

The Shills lie so often, that they can't remember from one post to the next what they said.

As you can see, with over 3500 posts, as soon as I brought this to the forums attention, I was banned as DJI is one of their major sponsors and forums such as RC Groups lets the tail wag the dog.

Every Shill was sent a FREE Phantom Vision to start this thread and make the Vision look like the best thing since sliced bread. Of course the Vision was without issues but you won't see any of the Shills ever reporting this.

If you think for a minute that any of this information is made up, I have every e-mail sent between the Team up to the point that I told them where they could shove their Shill program. I spent 25 years working as a Field Engineer for a corporation finding and correcting issues. DJI hired me for my talents but as soon as I started discussing the issues I had I was told to shut up. We were even told to stop copying DJI corporate in our Team e-mails as they did not want to be bothered with what we were finding.

As a field engineer I was not only aware of what was releasing but knew how it operated at least 6 months before the public ever got their hands on product so if there were any issues I was not only aware of them I was already working on the correction. Thinking I would be able to do the same while helping DJI with support, when I asked Sidney W of DJI how we were suppose to stay abreast of new product, he told me to follow the DJI Facebook page :dejection:

If you follow any of the other forums, You will find Tahoe Ed, Blade Strike and TJ Gilbert posting under a secondary account which is against most forums rules as Empire Support 2, 3 and 4. I was Empire Support 1 if you look at some of my RC Groups posts and helpful how to videos.

HighGainTuning its becoming a little bit of a witch-hunt ! Yes there are people getting test units from DJI to test and yes there is always the temptation not to mention all the problems to not loose the status !
I personally get test units from DJI and never was told that i cant mention this or that. The video Flip of Death which probably had the most hits was from a S800 from a friend that we built together at my house
and we went public with it. Resulting in SidneyW getting in contact with me and showing me the 72 hours test videos they are doing to get a hold of the problem ! If you were around long enough you would probably also remember
that SidneyW stated several times that he is involved with DJI or was actually in a higher position.

But believe me in that case its not only DJI but probably all the known companies that follow a similar program ! Its cool to state your concerning and critic these company programs but at the same time you are starting to through everyone
into the same mix and thats a step to far for me !

But maybe on the other side it would be cool if users that test for companies get a label that they are etc.


Yes there are people getting test units from DJI to test and yes there is always the temptation not to mention all the problems to not loose the status !

Boris... Do what you want to do but that doesn't change the fact that they are compensated Shills and don't even suggest that this is something that is ok and what members want in their forum. I will guarantee you, you are not receiving product as they do and they are not allowed to divulge their intentions.
There are many that receive what I call trinkets and trash. That sounds like what your getting. Your not getting every craft produced.

The hunt is the Shills coming over here after living on RCG and HeliFreak. Ask them why they have recently chosen to start posting here?
It's because I have chosen a forum that doesn't tolerate Shills and multiple accounts. Forums DO NOT need Shills. Forums should be a place to get HONEST information, not what the manufacturers want you to hear.

If Team DJI Shills are going to post, then the members need to know who they are and that they are compensated employees. That way they can filter the information as they will never discuss an issue... even if they have it themselves. In stead they will put the blame on the pilot and his skills. Well, I have over 40 years as an RC Pilot and I have many DJI Fly Away videos I will be happy to share with you.
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Dirty Little Hucker
Are you sure you have your GPS location settings correct in the software?

I am not the one with the GPS or Compass calibration... Just saying, if DJI Naza's have this "Auto Calibration Feature" then it don't work.... or is this something new on a V2?

I am not the one with the GPS or Compass calibration... Just saying, if DJI Naza's have this "Auto Calibration Feature" then it don't work.... or is this something new on a V2?

No, it is not a V2 feature. It is a software change. I would have to look through my e-mails to see how far back but it is in 2.18 and forward for sure.
The correction takes a while and requires constant pilot input. I found that switching back and forth from ATTI to GPS mode helped speed up the process but if you have a DJI FC / GPS that suffers from TBE and take off and just let it hover, it will TBE right into the ground.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?


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Blade... How's that new propulsion system working out for you that you posted on HeliFreak?
Seems no one can get them but somehow you Tahoe Ed and TJ Gilbert received your FREE units from DJI already.

Yeah, a FREE set would have been in my mail box had I stayed with the Team but my soul feels much better knowing I can now post what I want without fear of getting a vulgar phone call from Dave or Sidney telling me what to and what not to post.
I honestly don't know how you do it. You must really like all the FREE stuff. Maybe if you could afford to buy what you want you would leave them like I did. Gee... GM never asked me to lie while doing field engineering for them and I received a new car as part of my compensation every 90 days.

Everytime I think about what we had to do I think about this commercial. Sorry.... I never signed the paper like you, Ed and TJ.....

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I had this EXACT problem with my V1 when upgrading to the V2 firmware, turns out I did one of the steps in the wrong order. After wiping it back to the older firmware and redoing the upgrade to the new firmware, the problem was fixed.


Dirty Little Hucker
No, it is not a V2 feature. It is a software change. I would have to look through my e-mails to see how far back but it is in 2.18 and forward for sure.
The correction takes a while and requires constant pilot input. I found that switching back and forth from ATTI to GPS mode helped speed up the process but if you have a DJI FC / GPS that suffers from TBE and take off and just let it hover, it will TBE right into the ground.

Ahh, so maybe that is the reason why I get a drift to the right when first launching into space?.. That would make sense. Tell you the truth, I would rather I did it myself, that way I could get more flight time out of my bird!
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First, be sure to take off in ATTI.
You can switch back and forth from GPS to ATTI to help speed up the process. On my NAZA-H in my Heli I have to go from Manual to ATTI until it stabilizes.

I don't need 1100mm of machete going out of control.


Dirty Little Hucker
Thats all fine, but with the current GPS drift I have no choice but to make sure I have a decent home lock. I don't know what they did a few upgrades ago but it seriously messed up my accuracy, I also normally take of in Atti or manual and swap to GPS to make sure I am not drifting, if I am... well I have to hang around until the drift stops before recording home lock again. Sorry, but I am not taking any chances with this set up.

Here's the worse news.

It may not matter how long you wait anyway. After 2:51 of flying this fully loaded F550 it still went into the tilt of death destroying it.

Lost most of the Frame, GoPro Hero 3 Black, H3-2D Gimbal, Landing gear, retracts.

After submitting this to the Team, DJI left me paying for the GoPro Hero 3 black, Landing gear, retracts and any other accessories I had on it that were damaged. They replaced the F550 kit.



They are switching over to this forum. Hey blade strike take it easy, we wouldn't want anyone being kicked out of an open conversation would we?!

HGT we miss ya on rc groups! Hopefully your string ray is awesome!
